You probably are familiar with the
No Ceilings Full Participation Project that Hillary and Chelsea Clinton are running through the
Clinton Foundation. Chelsea would like feedback from you. She has sent out this survey and would like your participation.
1995 the world came together and called for "the full and equal
participation of women in political, civil, economic, social, and
cultural life." Nearly 20 years later, not a single country has achieved
this goal, not even the United States.
As many of you know, No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project
at the Clinton Foundation, in partnership with the Gates Foundation,
has started gathering information and data on the status of women and
girls around the world. Our goal is to use data to understand the gains
and gaps women have made in achieving full participation over the last
20 years.
While data is critical to our project, your stories and
experiences are also essential to understanding the challenges we face.
We created the No Ceilings Survey to help us understand what women and girls are experiencing in their own communities and countries.
Take the No Ceilings Survey.
combined with and your voices and opinions will help inform a 21st
century policy agenda to advance the full participation of women and
girls globally. In order to understand where we need to go, we must
understand how far we have come and the challenges that women and girls
still face around the world today. I know that together we can break
through the remaining ceilings that limit the full potential of women
and girls and I hope you will lend your voice to this project. Thanks
for your consideration.
Take the No Ceilings Survey.
Thank you,
Chelsea Clinton