Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Donate by Deadline?


It's POLITICAL ... but I repeat myself ... AGAIN!

Really?  I have to talk about this again?
I just did that YESTERDAY!   <<<<Please just go there to see the history on this (including the letter from the Democrats on the committee dated July 15). 
Hillary registers her distress. I register my frustration.  Apparently it is not NEWS until we get it from a Republican. Democrats (and I) have been shouting into the wind evidently all these years. The evidence has been clear all along.  Just go back to yesterday's post up there to see ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑.
"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping."
- House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy 09/30/15
Hillary registered her distress speaking with Reverend Al on Politics Nation.

Transcript from David Wiegel at WaPo

SHARPTON:  Let me raise another issue.  House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, he said this week, quote -- I'm quoting him -- "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers Friday? What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping." That's the quote.
CLINTON:  Um-hmm.
SHARPTON:  You're expected to testify before the Benghazi Committee on October 22. What's your response to McCarthy's comments?
CLINTON:  I have to tell you, I find them deeply distressing. I knew the ambassador that we lost in Benghazi. Along with him, we lost three other brave Americans who were representing us in a very dangerous part of the world.
There have already been eight investigations in the Congress. One independent investigation. We have learned all we can learn about what we need to do to protect our diplomats and our other civilians and we need to be enforcing and implementing those changes, which is what I started and what Secretary Kerry has continued.
So when I hear a statement like that, which demonstrates unequivocally that this was always meant to be a partisan political exercise, I feel like it does a grave disservice and dishonors not just the memory of the four that we lost, but of everybody who has served our country.
We've had lots of different situations, as you know so well. We've had embassies run over. We've had them blown up under Ronald Reagan, under Bill Clinton. We've had lots of attacks where we lost Americans or foreigners working for America, under George W. Bush. We can go back and there's a wall in the State Department, there's a wall in the CIA where we lost those civilians we lost.
It's never been turned into a partisan political battle by the majority in Congress the way the Republicans in this Congress have done. And I just wish that they would really start tending to the people's business, deal with the many problems that we face and figure out how we're going to move our country forward.
You know, I -- I really regret the way that they have treated this serious matter.
SHARPTON: There's a lot of cynicism, a lot of people don't trust what's going on in government. Does this add to it, when you hear a statement by the majority leader? Does this add to the kind of cynicism that many of us are trying to counter?
CLINTON: I think it does. I mean when this happened, I immediately said, I want an independent review board. I want to know everything that we could have done differently. I want to change the procedures. I took responsibility because I wanted us to get to the bottom of what we could understand about that attack.
And that's been my position from the very beginning. When I was asked to testify before this committee, it was after a year of my asking to go testify, because I said I'd be willing to go. I hope they actually ask me about Benghazi and what happened and what we need to do better to protect our people while we still are in dangerous parts of the world.


This just in.

Wednesday, September, 30th, 2015
After Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) admitted that Republicans lied about the purpose of the Benghazi investigation, several top Democrats are calling out the House Republicans’ abuse of power and calling for an immediate end to the investigation


The ranking member of the Select Committee on Benghazi, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) said, “This stunning concession from Rep. McCarthy reveals the truth that Republicans never dared admit in public: the core Republican goal in establishing the Benghazi Committee was always to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and never to conduct an even-handed search for the facts. It is shameful that Republicans have used this tragedy and the deaths of our fellow Americans for political gain. Republicans have blatantly abused their authority in Congress by spending more than $4.5 million in taxpayer funds to pay for a political campaign against Hillary Clinton.”


Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) called for an immediate end to the Benghazi investigation and for Republicans to apologize to the families of the Benghazi victims, “Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy pulled the curtain back on the true purpose of the Select Committee on Benghazi – not to get the facts – but instead as a political ploy against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This stunning admission shows a gross misuse of millions in taxpayer dollars for a purely political purpose. I believe it is time to end this investigation and for Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader McCarthy, and Chairman Trey Gowdy to apologize to the families of the four Americans who died during the attack and the American people for abusing the memories of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.”

Read more >>>>


Bill Clinton is Ready to Fight - Are You?

In 2014, CNN's Erin Burnett has hosted a conversation at the Clinton Global Initiative.  She devoted last night's program to CGI 2015, which wrapped up yesterday, and spent the hour interviewing Bill Clinton.

It is impossible for Bill Clinton to be before TV cameras without being asked about Hillary and the 2016 campaign.  That was the case last night.  He pointed out weaknesses in Republican debate and campaign substance saying that so far all he has heard are claims of who hates and blames Democrats more.  He asked, "What would you actually do?"

Is there an Americans who has not heard Donald Trump claim that Hillary Clinton was the worst secretary of state ... ever?  Burnett played that remark for Hillary's loving husband who nearly spewed the water he was sipping and launched into a litany of Hillary's accomplishments (a host of which are listed here addressed to Carly Fiorina).

He mentioned  the New START treaty, about which everyone on both sides of the aisle appears to have developed amnesia.  This was the exchange of instruments of ratification.

He talked about her phenomenal success in exponentially increasing PEPFAR's effectiveness without increasing costs.  (President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief began as a George W, Bush administration initiative.)

Directly contradicting Trump's claim that Hillary lost friends for us,  WJC said that all of the countries that benefited from the PEPFAR efforts liked us a lot after her work and that our approval rating was 20% higher when she left office than when she arrived.

And there were the Iran sanctions.  He told Burnett and the audience that even people who do not like the agreement liked the sanctions.

At the end of July,  Hillary was "Skimmed."   That day, the newsletter mentioned  that all of the candidates would be "Skimmed."  Today it was Marco Rubio's turn, and he said this.


When I'm president, we'll cancel it on my first day in office. We'll reimpose the sanctions that are on the books. I'll ask Congress to increase them on every sector of their economy. And it'll make it very clear to Iran, if they want a peaceful nuclear program, they have to pursue it the way South Korea does, the way Japan does, by importing the enriched material. And if they try to build weapons, we're going to destroy their weapons program.
Hillary has called canceling the agreement reckless, but at least he liked the sanctions. Clearly, once the Republicans really get into issues as opposed to their sterling and stunning resumés, the Iran agreement will be one of the hot-button issues.

I thought this might be a good juncture at which to share again a 2010 article from Esquire by Tom Junod who has said more than once that yes he would ... he certainly would vote for her.
Apr 22, 2010

Inside Secretary Clinton's Iran Strategy: Forget the Gates Memo Flap — We Have a Plan

Astrid Riecken/Getty Images
I felt better about myself as an American after spending time with Hillary Clinton for the profile of her that appears in the May issue of Esquire. Seriously. It's not just the obvious — it's not just the fact that she never appears so quintessentially American, as simultaneously Daisy-Millerish and Tracy-Flickish, as when she stands smiling on a stage with a bunch of European guys with permanent five-o'clock shadows. It's not even that I wind up applauding my country for producing a woman whose genius is for a kind of can-do level-headedness that somehow manages to drive both enemies and admirers around the bend. No, it's that after traveling to Montreal, London, and Paris with the secretary of state — after listening to three of her speeches and attending at least a dozen diplomatic ceremonies and then interviewing her — I'm a little less concerned than I was about the problem of American power. And because of Hillary Clinton, we should all be a lot less concerned about the problem of a nuclear Iran (no matter the war games nor the cautious talk).
But first, let's face it: The problem with American power is that there seems to be less of it these days. We're fighting wars we can't win and incurring debts we can't pay, and the upshot of all that is that we can't tell other countries what to do. "You have to approach this [diplomacy] with humility," Secretary Clinton told me. "Even if you think we're right — and in fact I do believe we're right about the major issues — you can't just assert it." Now, on the face of it that sounds like a pretty standard, Obama-era formulation, right down to the encoded reference to the Bush administration, whose policy of diplomacy-by-assertion only wound up making us look at once decisive and ineffectual — decisively ineffectual, if you will. But the thing that makes it also a classic Hillary formulation is the parenthetical insistence that she, and we, are right. She has never been given to apology, and while this has caused her some problems politically — think the Iraq war vote — it serves her well as President Obama's secretary of state. She does not give you the sense, as Obama sometimes does, that she's conducting foreign policy in expiation of the sins of the previous administration, or for that matter of the previous 234-odd years of American history. She's not guilty about anything, least of all American power, and standing next to her is like standing next to a Minuteman missile — you can have all sorts of opinions about her, but ultimately you're glad that she's one of ours.
Absolutely! Read on >>>>
Going forward into the debates and the next phase of the campaign, Junod's articles are handy pieces for us all to keep in our back pockets.

I see a lot of cheering. "Hillary 2016"  "I will vote for her!"  "She will be our next president!"  We need to arm ourselves for the battles.  Yesterday I shared an article from HuffPo explaining how doctored video footage was used to eradicate ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) in 2010 and is being used  do the same thing to Planned Parenthood now.  That article also explained how manufactured information is used against the Clintons.

It time to move on from the sloganeering and find out whence potential attacks might emanate and what the facts are.  A great many people who are supporting Hillary know very little about what she has done.  We welcome new teammates.  Junod's article is a good place to start getting proficient in Hillary Clinton foreign policy.  Today is a great day to begin.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nuclear Option: Tea Party Pushing for Trey Gowdy Leadership

So this happened.

Pope Francis, in Congress, Pleads for Unity on World’s Woes

WASHINGTON — Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, challenged Congress and by extension the mightiest nation in the world on Thursday to break out of its cycle of paralysis and use its power to heal the “open wounds” of a planet torn by hatred, greed, poverty and pollution.
Taking a rostrum never before occupied by the bishop of Rome, Francis issued a vigorous call to action to lawmakers who have spent years stalemated over major issues and even now are days away from a potential government shutdown in a dispute over the moral boundaries of federal spending.
Read more >>>>

Then this happened.

John Boehner, House Speaker, Will Resign From Congress

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner, an Ohio barkeeper’s son who rode a conservative wave to one of the highest positions in government, said Friday he would relinquish his gavel and resign from Congress, undone by the very Republicans who swept him into power.
Mr. Boehner, 65, made the announcement in an emotional meeting with his fellow Republicans on Friday morning as lawmakers struggled to avert a government shutdown next week, a possibility made less likely by his decision.
Read more >>>>

And now this.

House Conservatives Push Trey Gowdy for Leadership Job

WASHINGTON — House conservatives, fearful that the post-John A. Boehner era of leadership may look more like a modestly renovated old house than a newly built one, have begun to cast about for one of their own to join the upper ranks: the head of the committee that has been ripping into Hillary Rodham Clinton for well over a year.
Read more >>>>
Yes, that Trey Gowdy!   It is hard to know whether this script could be more absurd if Samuel Beckett had written it.  An element of drama is suspension of disbelief.  But this is not dramatic fiction.  This is taking place in our Capitol, and it is very real.

There is no question as to whom Gowdy has been targeting.  He has twisted and contorted himself every which way like Brody on that crane hook to aim at Hillary Clinton. Like a mouse in a maze he has tried every avenue.  Now his Tea Party partisans want to place him in the leadership position.

You cannot make this stuff up.  We can never put the absurd past the Republicans.  I know this hits you like an "And now this" segment from John Oliver's Last Week Tonight.  It should.  Like everything in those segments, this is actually happening.

There is only one explanation for an option so extreme.  They fear Hillary Clinton.  It is as pathetic as it is possible.



Barbara Boxer Blasts Fiorina's Lies

Still --
Carly Fiorina owes an apology to Planned Parenthood and the millions of women and men it serves.
She should apologize for maliciously describing a video that doesn't exist and, when confronted with that lie, doubling down on it.
She should apologize for her despicable lies on Sunday that Planned Parenthood is "aborting fetuses alive to harvest their brains."
She should apologize for using her position as the only woman in the GOP field to actually lead, instead of stop, the war on women.
But you and I know Carly Fiorina won't apologize. Just like she never apologized to the 30,000 HP workers she fired while shipping their jobs overseas and taking a huge payout for herself.
Well, I know the best way for us to send Fiorina a message. We can do everything in our power to elect women who will stand with Planned Parenthood and fight back against the GOP's war on women.
Will you send a message to Fiorina and other Republicans waging the war on women by contributing $10 or more to PAC for a Change today?
The House GOP already has three -- yes, three -- committees investigating Planned Parenthood, and Cecile Richards, the organization's president, is even testifying today.
None of these committees has found a shred of evidence that Planned Parenthood is doing anything other than providing cancer screenings, contraceptives, and other critical health care for the women and men that rely upon it every day.
So, are they closing down their bogus investigation? No. Instead, they have just announced that they are going to create a new fourth committee to investigate Planned Parenthood.
soEnough. It is time to end this war on Planned Parenthood and women across America.
It is time to make clear that this is 2015, not 1915.
Contribute $10 or more to PAC for a Change today to stop the war on women and help elect progressive women across the country.
If we stand together, we can fight back -- and win.
In Friendship,
Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator
The irony would be sublime if it were not so disgusting to see the only woman on that GOP stage standing on an anti-female platform.


ACORN and Planned Parenthood: Connecting the Dots

Finally!  I have found someone else who sees history repeating itself here.  I was beginning to think I was the only person who remembered how ACORN came down.

Anhvinh Doanvo Headshot

Reflections on Planned Parenthood, Clinton and ACORN

Posted: 09/06/2015 9:14 pm EDT Updated: 09/08/2015 11:59 am EDT
Hannah Giles, James O'Keefe, Peter Schweizer, and David Daleiden: These are names the American public should know. Their writing, which thrives on catchy headlines and specious content, has embodied modern-day yellow journalism. Their investigations have masqueraded as a "public service". But in reality, they have aimed to eviscerate political enemies, regardless of whether their targets have committed any wrongdoing. In fact, time after time, these hatchet jobs against Planned Parenthood, Hillary Clinton, and Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) have been debunked by federal investigations. Our demand for accountability of our politicians and national institutions has been poisoned by a failure to demand the same from our media and liars operating under the façade of journalism.
In 2009, Fox News and released videos secretly recorded by Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe at the offices of ACORN. ACORN had in the past done noble work for the public, registering hundreds of thousands of voters, providing relief for Katrina victims, and fighting predatory lending. The videos purported to show ACORN's employees intentionally assisting clients' activities in underage sex trade and prostitution. Soon after, ACORN lost its partnership with the US Census Bureau, along with other government institutions, and it was barred from federal funding. Even President Obama called for an investigation into its activities. When private funding dried up, the organization disbanded.
Fast forward to the scandals of 2015 and we see quite comically, the same incidents have occurred. Soon after a Republican-dominated panel found that no wrongdoing was committed in the Benghazi scandal, Peter Schweizer published Clinton Cash. In the book, he alleged that the Clintons used their positions in government to benefit financial donors, including human rights violators like Russia. Although the headlines have had some truth to them, in that the Clinton Foundation's donation policies might need some reform, they are ultimately deceptive to the American public. Multiple instances cited in the book, like one where Clinton "could have stopped" Russia from buying a uranium mining company in the U.S., have been debunked by organizations like When asked about the matter, Schweizer himself noted that there was no direct evidence of wrongdoing, though he remained unrepentant, saying that such evidence is not necessary to attack Clinton's record.
David Daleiden's dishonest Planned Parenthood activities have been even more disconcerting. He's ignited a political firestorm, with conservatives claiming that Planned Parenthood has profited off fetal tissue, just as they claimed that ACORN intentionally committed voter fraud. However, five investigations in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Indiana, South Dakota, and Massachusetts, all thankfully early enough to help defuse the issue, have found that no wrongdoing has been committed by the organization. Conservatives have become so desperate to find any mud to sling at the organization that Florida Governor Rick Scott attempted to scrub statements on evidence clearing Planned Parenthood in his investigation.

Please keep reading >>>>>>>

 I was beginning to think I had dreamed all of that.  I did not.  It has happened before and is happening again.

Stand with Planned Parenthood >>>>>>>>>



Dennis Cheng's Grumpy Pup

Zooey is not happy.  Dennis explains why.

This is my dog Zoey:

I really love my dog Zoey. But right now, Zoey doesn’t like me very much. Look at her grumpy face!

Zoey's mad because lately I’ve been spending all my time at the office trying to hit our fundraising goals for this quarter. Before tomorrow, pitch in $5 or more to help us do that.

If we don't stay on track, we won’t be able to build the organization we need to win Iowa, New Hampshire, and all of the other states on the way to the Democratic nomination for president. Don't let that happen.
Before tomorrow at midnight, pitch in $5 or more (Zoey will thank you):


Dennis Cheng
National Finance Director
Hillary for America

Rip Van Winkle Awakens to Discover the Benghazi Select Committee is POLITICAL!

If it were not obvious from the outset, guess what?  The political nature of the Benghazi Select Committee is gaining notice!  Wow!  It has taken only three years and a wasted $4.5 million not to find out what went wrong so that we can prevent similar attacks in the future.  Correct the Record shared this today, for those who need a picture.


But we have known it all along. We knew it less than a month after the attacks when the House Oversight Committee accused State Department officials of a political agenda.

Representatives Darrell Issa and Jason Chaffetz of the House Oversight Committee, on October 2, sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a letter listing attacks in Libya  over the six months prior to the deadly September 11 attack on our Benghazi consulate.
Read on >>>>

Issa Flips The Coin And The Game Is On

Today was the first public session of the House Committee Oversight and Government Reform hearings on diplomatic security in Libya.  In closing today’s more than four-hour long session,  chairman Darrell Issa noted that although this is an election year, his committee wants to find out what went wrong in Benghazi in order to prevent it from happening anywhere again.  If you buy that,  I have a bridge for sale.
His admonishing tone, suggesting members of the panel might have an election year agenda,  was startlingly inappropriate.
Read on >>>>>
Resoundingly missing from the cover of the Interim Progress Report  on the Benghazi, Libya consulate attack published yesterday by the House Republican Conference is the name Harold Rogers (R-KY), chairman of the House Appropriations committee that twice slashed the State Department’s diplomatic security budget.   That committee was apparently excused from reporting to the conference in the zealous crusade being waged by Tea Party Republicans,  led by Darryl Issa and Jason Chaffetz, to pin blame on then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Issa’s name is listed as a co-author of the report while Media Matters reports that Chaffetz appeared with Megyn Kelly to discuss the report released to great hullabaloo in right-wing circles.
Read on >>>>
In astoundingly transparent fashion, the Republicans on the Select Committee on Benghazi have abandoned all
pretense plans for investigating departments and agencies outside the State Department and individuals other than Hillary Clinton.
An article in The Hill today reveals a letter from Select Committee Democrats to their GOP counterparts accusing them of refitting the objectives of the committee from inquiry and prevention into a political weapon aimed at the former secretary of state.  Thank you, Karen Finney, for sharing this because regardless of what “we all knew all along,” here is the evidence. In the end evidence is all that really counts.  It is our only weapon

Read on >>>>
When something like this appears I just wonder what rock people have been sleeping under and how many opioids they took.

The Benghazi panel is a scandal of a committee

Seriously?  So not news!

*******************Edited 09/30/15 to add this**********************



Monday, September 28, 2015

Truth: The Elusive Grail

It seems that truth is relative.  Is it possible that discerning truth involves applying a formula more complex, esoteric, and profound than Einstein's or anything ever worked out by Stephen Hawking?  Or is it a simple matter of speaker identification?

For weeks, a word association poll dominated the media because, and only because, respondents associated words like "liar" and "untrustworthy" with Hillary Clinton.  This remained a top story and interview topic for an extended period because, of course, Hillary Clinton is running for president so we all need to know what some cherry-picked population thinks of her.

The generalization that is then applied is that nothing Hillary says is trustworthy.  Everything is potentially a lie or actually is a lie because Hillary Clinton said it. There can be no such extenuating circumstance as a clouded memory due to transition from one major role to another years in the past, for example. No way.  If Hillary says it,  well, we just are not so sure it is true.

Carly Fiorina is also running for president and referred in a campaign debate to a video.  Since that day, she has mentioned that video every time she has a chance to speak to the media.  Apparently the same principle that applies to Hillary Clinton does not apply to her.

Lies, Carly Fiorina and Abortion

There has been an impressive amount of angry liberal commentary, which has spilled over into the mainstream press coverage (or do I repeat myself?) of the issue, about how in the last Republican presidential debate Carly Fiorina allegedly cited an entirely imaginary video in order to make a crazy claim about Planned Parenthood’s brain-harvesting ghoulishness that’s totally unsupported by the facts.
... for Fiorina to actually be proven as wildly misleading and fundamentally dishonest as her critics keep suggesting, they would need to marshal evidence beyond just a parsing of her words, and demonstrate that the thing she’s describing is an inaccurate depiction of what happens inside abortion clinics that double as tissue procurement centers.
Read more >>>>
This is striking:  "... they would need to marshal evidence beyond just a parsing of her words ...."   Seriously?  How many times has Hillary been condemned with no evidence except her parsed words, and worse by lies and words she did not say?  How many media outlets completely misquoted her after the Benghazi attack using words that she never said?
Myth:  Hillary Clinton said the attack on the Benghazi installation was an outgrowth of a demonstration against an anti-Islamist video on the internet.
Not exactly.  Here are her words on September 12, 2012.
We are working to determine the precise motivations and methods of those who carried out this assault. Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our Embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet.
Read more >>>>
The New York Times stands as a rather odd arbiter of truth given the very hard time they had admitting to ... well ... lying in a front page header a few months ago.
Rather than issue the apology they should have and that she is owed, the New York Times has chosen instead  to publish this shabby, third-rate excuse for its unethical treatment of Hillary Clinton.
Read more >>>>
I suppose it is simply asking too much for the same principles to be applied equally to statements by all candidates.  I know some people think I should get off Fiorina's case and that her own party will kick her under the bus.   I disagree.  They like what she is saying and that accounts for her rise in the polls and resultant presence on debate stages and on the media.
I will stay on her case as long as she repeats this mantra.
As regards Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, it’s heart beating, it’s legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.
Barack Obama is not running for president. It is clear that Hillary is really the only target.
So when Carly Fiorina attacks Hillary I will defend Hillary with the same vigor as when Donald Trump has done the same.
I just heard Donald Trump say that Hillary Clinton was the “worst secretary of state in the history of our country.”   Apparently he suffers from a linguistic disorder that causes him to make phonemic substitutions.  A phoneme is a meaningful unit of sound.  Phonemic production establishes differences in meaning between words.
There is one phonemic difference between the words /fərst/ {first} and /wərst/ {worst}.  It occurs with the initial consonant.   Mr. Trump’s linguistic slip belies the facts.  In two important instances, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was first.
Read more >>>>
Full frontal assaults, as Bill Clinton characterized the email/server attacks, will not go unanswered.  Especially when deceit is defended by the media.


MTP Daily Debuts with Hillary Clinton Round 2: Foreign Policy

Following up on the Sunday interview, Chuck Todd shared the second part of his conversation with Hillary Clinton on the debut of Meet the Press Daily this evening.

Topics included ISIS and Syria, differences between a Hillary administration and Obama for contrast, and WJC's role in a Hillary Clinton White House. To his credit, Todd excluded Benghazi from this portion.

Hillary said we defend our principles, values, and security via coalitions and finding common ground. She still thinks we could have made a difference in Syria by helping the original rebels with whom she met early on.  Defeating ISIS with Assad in place would be very difficult. Many groups on the ground remain anti-Assad but Russian troops are protecting his regime.  Ousting Assad has to be a political process. She pointed out long term relationships between Russia and Syria, among these the Orthodox Church ties,  as evidence that Putin's moves there are not a sudden rash decision but rather rooted in a history between the nations.

Libya: Qaddafi was a bad actor with American blood (Lockerbie)  on his hands, and the joint effort against him was legitimate.  Libyans had twice voted for moderates and did not receive support to instate moderate government.

On TPP, she wants to see what is in it before taking a stand.  It is unfinished.  She is waiting for the finished product before taking a position.

She is firm on not criticizing Bernie Sanders and is running her own campaign as is he.  She did mention her many endorsements from prominent Democrats without actually stating the obvious, that Sanders is not a Dem.  Once again has said she is not running for anyone's third term but thinks her husband is a great advisor.

Political polls aside, Meet the Press Daily's chances for ratings are  obviously up in the air.  Tonight, Todd milked Hillary's interview for the whole hour.  How the hour survives will depend on more than the occasional interview with the most sought after candidate.  Hillary is the big get.  He got her for a rolling start.  She seemed happy to be there for him and wished him good luck.

Video is available here >>>>>

Clinton: Defeating ISIS, Ousting Assad Both Top Priorities

As world leaders convene in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton told NBC News' Chuck Todd she would pursue a fight against ISIS while at the same time working to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad.
In an interview on MSNBC's MTP Daily, Clinton said fighting ISIS would be "very difficult" with Assad still in place and she would "prioritize both" because "you can't really do one without the other." She added that "ousting Assad has to be a political process."
"I think that we're going to have to, as they say, walk and chew gum at the same time. And that will be to, you know, do the best we can with our friends in the region to go after ISIS and try to, you know, push them out of Iraq and then try to, you know, deal with them and the territory they control in Syria," Clinton said.
Read more >>>>


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sunday Morning Groundhog Day

It was all about Pennsylvania.  While Pope Francis was spending his last day in Philadelphia, Chuck Todd took us all to Punxsutawney.  Groundhog Day is a movie you either love or hate.  It gets on my last nerve.  If you missed Hillary on Meet the Press, you really did not miss anything except that she looked great in fuschia and laughed a lot in her musical way because what else can one do?

09-27-15-NBC-01 DSCN1538

At the end of a week wherein she rolled out a plan for reducing out-of-pocket prescription costs and could no longer hold her silence on the Keystone XL issue, it was all about the server and the emails. Again!  There are video clips here, and the transcript is here.

If revisiting these email and server questions are insufficient blasts from the past, Hillary was followed by Carly Fiorina who doubled down on the videos she and the GOP claim are evidence of Planned Parenthood marketing fetal tissue.  Not only is this chorus repeated endlessly every time Fiorina faces a camera miked up, the strategy is reminiscent of the video campaign against ACORN that brought that association down in 2010.  ACORN was cleared of all wrongdoing too late.

On CNN meanwhile, Bill Clinton, who is kicking off CGI 2015, had to spend a good portion of his time with Fareed Zakaria on GPS reminding the host that Hillary was subjected to false allegations in the nineties and every time in every instance was cleared of all wrongdoing. He also mentioned that she probably has more policies and funding plans out there than all of the other candidates rolled into one.  None of this deters the server and email queries.

Later in the day, Pope Francis, during his last mass in the U.S.  delivered a homily that warned against inciting scandal and encouraged honest cooperation. He urged peace in the home, and I do not think he was talking only about nuclear families in our individual homes.  Certainly he knows what John Boehner did the day after his visit to D.C. and why.

I think we were all hoping that this visit and his messages might clear the air and allow some honest and substantive discussion of issues.  Will there ever be peace in this house?

Meet the Press will continue weekdays at 5 p.m. now, so a second part of Hillary's interview will air tomorrow.  Todd said that will be the foreign policy portion.  Let me guess:  Benghazi.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hometown Grassroots Boost Hillary Clinton

It is Community Day in New Castle New York.  The local grassroots crew, Chappaqua Friends of Hill, were out bright and early in their custom-designed tee shirts to show their support for the hometown candidate with a table full of Hillary swag. Thank you to Grace Bennett who arranged the effort, lined up the volunteers, got the Hillary gear, and supplied the great photos! As we can see, some of Hillary's very young neighbors are on her bandwagon!

Grace-Bennett -01  Grace-Bennett -02 Grace-Bennett -03 Grace-Bennett -04 Grace-Bennett -05 Grace-Bennett -06
Grace-Bennett -07

Congresswoman Nita Lowey and State Assemblyman David Buchwald both stopped by.  Lowey accompanied Hillary on her final official trip to Africa as did Grace Bennett.

Nita Lowey -08


Heads Up for Hillary Clinton on Meet the Press Tomorrow!

