I’m thrilled to announce I’ve partnered up with Omaze to offer you the chance to join me in NYC for a Broadway play and a glass of chardonnay. It's bound to be a great evening,
and I'd like you to be there.
All contributions to this campaign support Onward Together’s mission to advance progressive values and create a more inclusive America for generations to come. The groups that Onward Together partners with helped to turn the tide in the midterm elections -- and have already jumped back into the critical work of preserving our democracy. So far, we've been able to provide more than $2.5 million in financial resources to these groups, along with the support of this diverse, big-hearted team.
The important thing is that we'd get the chance to spend some time together, seeing a show and catching up on what we've been up to over the last few years. Hearing from you is as important to me as it ever was. And of course, we'll cover travel and accommodations if you win -- all you have to do is pick the show.
For just $10, you can make a difference in the future of our country and get a chance to share in one of my favorite pastimes. Enter right now for a chance to meet me in New York:
I hope to see you soon,