Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Hillary Clinton: Meet the National Democratic Training Committee

Over and over again, this team has proven that the right candidate for office does not have to look a certain way or come from a certain zip code. Instead, what makes a leader is a passion for solving the problems that face our country and our communities, and a willingness to listen. We saw that earlier this year, when the most diverse freshman class yet was sworn into the House of Representatives -- something that would have been unimaginable even a few decades ago.
It may not ever be easy. But our country was founded on the promise that it would change -- that our union would have to be made more perfect.
The National Democratic Training Committee believes that change starts by giving every Democrat the tools to run for office. They work hand in hand with two of our incredible partner organizations, Emerge America and Run for Something, to offer online campaign trainings on everything from fundraising to field programs -- entirely for free.
I’m so proud that Onward Together has been able to support the National Democratic Training Committee. Their work is critical to electing Democrats in thousands of offices across the country now and for years to come. Today, I hope you’ll take a moment to learn more about how their training program works -- and perhaps think about running for office yourself!
Learn more