Sunday, February 23, 2020

Oxford Creates History Professorship Named for Hillary Clinton

Bear in mind, they could have chosen Maggie Thatcher but didn't.

The University of Oxford is to create a new Chair of Women’s History, named after former US Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton.
The University plans to create the new professorship in perpetuity, embedding the role of women’s history permanently into the fabric of the History Faculty. The Development Office states on their fundraising website that the new Chair will “provide the leadership needed to ensure that women’s history is represented on the global stage and that the progress we have made in recent decades cannot be undermined.”
It is hoped that this new Chair will “encourage more young scholars to pursue a doctorate in women’s history”, and the position will allow for collaboration with the Women in Humanities Research Centre at Oxford and the Centre for Gender, Identity, and Subjectivity within the History Faculty. The choice to endow this Chair in 2020 marks the University’s celebration of 100 years of women receiving degrees, corresponding with the first female Vice-Chancellor.
A University spokesperson told Cherwell: “[t]he new chair will encourage the most promising scholars to conduct cutting- edge research that is original in conception, methods, and vision, including women and their histories in the mainstream of the discipline, and will inspire and sustain a new vision for history in which women’s lives are central”; recruitment is to be initiated in Spring 2020.
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