Thursday, August 20, 2020

Hillary Clinton at the DNC 2020

 Hillary Clinton never makes me cry. I love her (obviously). I am 100% with her on the "woulda, shoulda, coulda." She did not evoke tears in me. She never has that I can remember. She always makes me feel like we can do it. Tears this week, for me, have been for the Americans who have testified about the deported at the border and the departed from COVID-19; lost jobs, farms, and small businesses; caged babies at the border; Estella; Kristin; the list goes on. Did I cry when Hillary spoke? Not at all. Her message was strong, galvanizing as it always has been and remains. We can do this, and we must. N.B. It is not about making history or who makes it. It about saving our democracy. #GetOutTheVote