Sunday, May 29, 2011

Anniversary Wishes to my Fellow P.U.M.A. s

This beautiful anniversary tribute from Boowitch simply cried out to be shared. On this sad anniversary of the Rules and Bylaws Committee's flawed, unfair, and undemocratic ruling on 05.31.08, we celebrate P.U.M.A. Solidarity! In all of my many years of witnessing campaigns both victorious and defeated, I have never, ever seen a group of people stick together behind a candidate the way P.U.M.A.s have stuck with Hillary Rodham Clinton who still, after two-and-a-half years has a better sense of what to do for this country than the candidate the "Democratic" Party chose in her stead.

If the DNC thinks that the incumbent will simply coast into a second term, it needs a reality check. That GOP field is not as weak as they think it is. Pawlenty is not actually more boring than Obama is, and he has a few things to say. Huntsman is bright, respectable, and rather moderate. He could capture Indy votes. Romney has never really been an outlier. These are formidable adversaries who intend a strong challenge. The one individual who could give them a run for their money is not the incumbent. He will struggle. Hillary Clinton can and should glide in.

All of these past three years we have remained a tightly woven force for Hillary, and so my fellow P.U.M.A.s, happy anniversary, from Boowitch and me. You rock! Every single one of you! Love you all!