Remarks With Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf Before Their Meeting
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
New York City
September 24, 2012
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, it’s wonderful to welcome the President of Libya and his distinguished delegation here to New York.
we all know, the United States lost a great ambassador and the Libyan
people lost a true friend when Chris Stevens and three other Americans
were killed in the terrorist assault on our consulate in Benghazi.
everything, the President and the Libyan Government have been staunch
partners to the United States. I want to thank them in person, as we
already have through communications and through your Ambassador, for the
important efforts that they are taking to help find and bring to
justice all those responsible for the attacks. I’d also like to thank
the Libyan people for the outpouring of support they have shown to not
only Ambassador Stevens, but on behalf of the United States.
summer, the Libyan people had the chance to choose their own leaders,
and we have a President who has been freely chosen by the Libyan people.
Courage has been the defining characteristic of the Libyan people over
these last two years – courage to rise up and overthrow a dictator;
courage to choose the hard path of democracy; courage to stand against
violence and division in their country and the world. And Mr. President,
that kind of courage deserves our support.
The United States was
proud to stand with you and the Libyan people as you fought for your
country last year. And we will continue to stand with you as you now
write Libya’s new future as a democracy that will give all of your
people a chance to have a better future.
Thank you.
(Via interpreter.) Madam Secretary, at the outset, I would like to
thank you, Secretary of State Clinton, for these kind words that you
have expressed towards our Libyan people, towards the Libyan revolution,
and toward the General National Congress of Libya that is today the
legitimate and – the legitimacy and the legitimate authority in Libya.
Secretary, I wouldn’t wish to speak for long, but however, before we
continue, I would like to express – again reiterate the expression of my
sincerest condolences, the condolences of the Libyan National Congress,
the Libyan Government, the Libyan people, to you, to President Obama,
and to the American people and to the families of the victims that fell
during this painful, tragic tragedy. And they were the victims
Ambassador Chris Stevens and his three comrades.
Madam Secretary,
that was a very painful, huge tragedy, not only to the American people
and the families of the victims but also for the Libyan people. The
Libyan people lost a friend, lost someone who was very supportive of
them, someone who was very supportive of their revolution, and someone
who was always there for them.
Madam Secretary, undoubtedly, the
understanding that was expressed by President Obama, by you as Secretary
of State, towards these tragic events and your positive expression to
continue to support Libya has led to mitigating the repercussions of
this regrettable tragedy and incident on our close relationship.
Secretary, their support, of course, mitigated the repercussions and
the consequences. However, on the other hand, that support also
furthered the responsibility on our shoulders towards taking
responsibility – a great responsibility – for this tragedy and also let
us look at the necessity to expedite the investigation in the incident
and to pursue – to bring to justice those perpetrators. Of course, we
are – we express our great readiness to cooperate with the U.S.
Government in order to cooperate in the investigation and bring those
perpetrators to justice.
Madam Secretary, I also will seize this
opportunity to reaffirm that what happened on the 11th of September
towards these U.S. citizens does not express in any way the conscience
of the Libyan people, their aspirations, their hopes, or their
sentiments towards the American people.
Madam Secretary, and I am
confident that the protest that happened last Friday in Benghazi and the
other protests that took place across the Libyan cities in protest to
what happened are a very clear message to how we feel toward the United
States. These protests embodied the conscience of the Libyan people. The
Libyan people have spoken through these protests last Friday and
expressed their true sentiments, how they feel towards the U.S.
Administration and American people. You have mentioned the courage of
the Libyan people, and we truly appreciate those words.
Secretary, there is no doubt that the Libyan people have shown to the
world and perhaps to across the world with their true courage and their
love for their country and for the love for the freedom.
Secretary, their courage would not have been possible for them also to
win over a tyrant if it were not for the unlimited U.S. support, the
political and military support of the United States, and the United
States support in – at all levels that was given to the Libyan
revolution, that the U.S. Administration gave to the Libyan revolution
as well as your support, President Obama’s support, the American
people’s support, and the support of the entire international community
to this revolution.
This not only makes it our duty to thank you,
thank the United States as well as the international community for that
support, but that also makes it our duty to rise up to the level of the
confidence and the trust that you, the United States, and the
international community have put in us.
Madam Secretary, of
course, despite all the challenges, the perils, the difficulties, and
the – all the obstacles that we faced, the Libyan people were able –
humbly as well as with pride – to show to the world the degree of their
keenness to safeguard this revolution and to make it a success in order
to bring about the goals – the noble and great goals of this revolution,
mainly to establish a constitutional, democratic, civil state that
would be based on pluralism and a peaceful transfer of authority.
these elections that happened over the past summer and brought about
the General National Congress in Libya and also demonstrated the
transparent elections that brought to power a new prime minister, all
these events show and send a message of the new road that Libya is
determined to take.
I am confident that the General National
Congress and this new government – the new government are keen on
undertaking their duties and fulfilling their responsibilities with
integrity and sincerity as well as responsibility towards the world.