Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Seth Meyers Names Mme. Sexetary to GQ's 100 Hottest List

Apparently Hillary Clinton's Smart Power and Charm Offensives over her four-year tenure at State did more than win friends among nations that were neglected and win back those that were alienated over eight years of the Bush administration.  It seems she has won domestic hearts as well.  Her approval rate has remained consistently high over these years, that we knew.
Hillary bloggers know that we must be very careful on the keyboard not to strike that key  to the left of "c" when typing about Mme. Secretary unless we intend to (and sometimes it was intentional).  But now it appears official.  Having been tapped by GQ Magazine to offer one nominee for their "100 Hottest Women of the 21st Century" issue, Seth Meyers of SNL named our Mme. Sexetary.  We agree!  She is hot!  She always has been. 
From HuffPo

Seth Meyers: Hillary Clinton 'Getting Sexier Every Year'

The Huffington Post  |  By
"Saturday Night Live" Head Writer Seth Meyers was one of the male celebrities GQ tapped to nominate a woman to their "prestigious" list. His choice? Why, Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton, of course
"I think somebody who is getting sexier every year is Hillary Clinton. Every year she seems better at whatever she's doing. By the end of the millennium, she's gonna have it locked down," Meyers writes in the February 2013 issue.
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This is one element of her performance as SOS that we just don't think John Kerry can measure up to.