working parents, childcare is a critically important factor in their
ability to earn a living for their families. The economic reality of our
country is that most families today consist of working parents – either
a single parent doing it on her own, or two working parents trying to
juggle work schedules with caring for their children. For unemployed
parents, affordable childcare can provide them with the time to attend
school, go to doctor’s visits, look for work or just get a much-needed
even as childcare has become increasingly important in American economy
and society, quality and affordable options are severely limited.
Approximately half of American families that use childcare turn to
centers or schools, but this number varies depending on family income
level, with many low-income families relying on a mix of care from
grandparents, neighbors and unlicensed facilities. As communities work
to provide affordable, quality childcare options like Head Start
programs, there are ways that parents can ensure that even low-cost
options benefit their children.
have found that the quality of childcare is important to the cognitive,
language and social development of young children, with consistent and
emotionally supportive care being hugely beneficial to children and
families. Choosing quality care is important for babies and toddlers,
who need nurturing, safe environments in order to thrive. Parents can
ensure that their children are in high-quality childcare by looking for
caregivers who are loving and responsive to children’s needs, provide a
stimulating environment, and engage with children by talking and playing
with them frequently.
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