Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bill and Hillary Clinton at Redondo Union HS Commencement Ceremony

In case you wondered why Secretary Clinton had no public appointments yesterday it was because she was with President Clinton who gave the commencement speech at his nephew Tyler's graduation from Redondo Union High School in California.

Diggin' Manhattan Beach: Former President Clinton Takes Aim

By Liz Spear June 15, 2012

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in the audience as her husband former President Bill Clinton delivered an address Friday at the Redondo Union High School commencement ceremony. What did he say about Mira Costa?
Former President Bill Clinton and his wife Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended their nephew's high school graduation ceremony at Redondo Union High School Friday.
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Many thanks to PYW who shared the link to ths cute picture.  There is a slideshow here, but you must click on the link and see it at the source.