Thursday, July 21, 2016

Voter Registration Drive: How to Message Friends in Key States

These are the key states Hillary for America is targeting for voter registration and commitments to vote for Hillary:

Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio,  Pennsylvania, Virginia, and  Wisconsin.
The campaign has an online tool to help you find your Facebook friends in these states and a message you can copy and send them to be sure they know how crucial their votes are.  The message includes a link for registering or checking voter registration.

So if you need to work off some nervous energy tonight while you watch the RNC take this nomination to the point of no return, you can log into Facebook, copy the message, and start sending your message to friends instead of biting your nails, picking your cuticles, or whatever other nervous habit you indulge in when people are driving you around the bend.


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