Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Inside Chappaqua Magazine Features Still4Hill

Many thanks to Ronni Diamondstein for this lovely article in the June issue of Inside Chappaqua Magazine.  Thanks as well to the awesome Grace Bennett, founder and publisher of the magazine and recently celebrated its 10th anniversary.

It is so nice to see Hillary Clinton's important work and this blog  promoted this way. 


Blogging for the former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and…

by Ronni Diamondstein
There’s no doubt from the media buzz around Hillary Clinton’s future since she left the office of Secretary of State that many people, not only in Chappaqua, but across the nation and world, have not given up hope that she will fulfill what many see as her destiny.

Numerous websites and blogs have followed Clinton since she lost the presidential nomination in 2008, and more are sprouting up now that her future political plans remain a mystery. You can find them on the web, on Facebook and Twitter. Still4Hill continues to be one of the most prominent.

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