Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bill and Hillary Clinton: The Tryst

Oh Goddess in heaven! They actually DINED together? How audacious given the vows they made to all and sundry that as SOS she would be a nun. Seriously! Her VOWS were to him, not to an administration. Her OATH was to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. He took a similar oath. Their VOWS are to each other. Go for it, Bill! She is so pretty! *Oh so shallow - Keatsian of me!*

Hillary, Bill Clinton dine in Bogota amid better security

Wed Jun 9, 7:21 pm ET

BOGOTA (AFP) – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday touted how much security has improved in Colombia by revealing that her husband Bill Clinton joined her for dinner in a Bogota restaurant.

Clinton arrived late Tuesday in Colombia for talks with President Alvaro Uribe and other officials as part of a four-country tour of Latin America, and the former president who was here on separate business met up with her.