Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hillary Clinton's Biggest Fan Gives her a Shout Out

Bill Clinton was delighted to have Hillary in his audience this morning when he spoke at Georgetown University.  Reporttedly, she received a standing ovation.

Bill Clinton Gives Hillary Clinton a Shout Out in Surprise Appearance

Former President Bill Clinton thanks his wife former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for attending his policy speech at Georgetown University


The Clinton Lectures

A Four-Part Series by the 42nd President of The United States
FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON’S (SFS’68) series of lectures at Georgetown explore the people, events, lessons and guiding principles that have shaped his career in public service.

The lectures examine the framework for a lifetime spent championing an idea espoused by his Georgetown professor Carroll Quigley: that America is the greatest nation in history because our people have always believed in two things – that tomorrow can be better than today and that every one of us has a personal, moral responsibility to make it so.
This four-lecture series takes place over a number of years. The lectures will be webcast live.

This is the second time Clinton has given a series of talks at Georgetown. In 1991, as the governor of Arkansas and Democratic candidate for president, he presented three “New Covenant” speeches to students on Responsibility and Rebuilding the American Community, Economic Change and American Security. These speeches, like the new lecture series, take place in Georgetown’s historic Gaston Hall.

Videos and more >>>>

Tweets from Hillary: Sympathy for Tornado Victims

My heart is with all those in Arkansas and elsewhere that were in the path of those terrible tornados.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hillary Clinton Proud HIPPY

Speaking at the HIPPY USA 2014 Conference at Gallaudet University this evening, Hillary proudly identified herself as a "HIPPY"  (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters)  mom and soon-to-be grandma.  Hillary spoke of her Too Small to Fail initiative, a joint effort of the Clinton Foundation and Next Generation

She also offered her sympathy to those devastated by the tornadoes in Arkansas saying she knows exactly where the big one hit.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hillary Clinton Joins John McCain at Sedona Forum

On Saturday, Hillary and John McCain sat down to discuss American leadership and current global crises at the Sedona Forum sponsored by the McCain Institute.  

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

From Hillary Clinton's Too Small to Fail and Cindy McCain: Parents as Teachers and Closing the Word Gap


The Vital Role of Parents

Parents keep children safe and healthy – it’s in our genes to look out for our children’s well-being. We react instinctively when a child is in harm’s way.
The more we learn about how children develop, the more we know about the crucial role of parents in those moments when a child isn’t in danger. Parents play a vital role in their children’s social and emotional development by providing quality engagement that stimulates brain growth and increases their learning potential. Those every day interactions are the keys to a child’s long-term potential.
Research has shown that meaningful family engagement – the amount of time parents spend talking with their children, reading them a book, cuddling them or asking about their day – has a direct impact on learning and motivation. Very young children thrive when their parents spend time talking, reading, and singing to them every day and when their parents remain calm during emotional outbursts or stressful situations. Older children benefit from parents who ask about their friends, establish a homework routine, and carve out quiet study time.
All children benefit when parents and caregivers establish routines in their home, whether around family meal times, bedtimes or bath times. Routines that begin early can pave the way for habits that last into adulthood. A routine as simple as reading to a child before bed contributes to her healthy brain development and sets her up to become a successful, lifelong reader.
No matter the activity, parents play a critical role in their children’s growth and education from birth on, and help establish the emotional and cognitive foundation that their children’s lives will be built upon.

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In The News:


This week we decided to celebrate the joy of reading, by asking the staff at Next Generation to share their favorite children’s books—the ones their parents, grandparents, and siblings read to them as children. »
This evening, Hillary is in Sedona to speak at the McCain Institute. Cindy McCain is a member of the Leadership Council at Too Small to Fail and, as the Clinton Foundation reports, participated in an event for parents on Thursday in Phoenix.

Cindy McCain and Univision Share ‘Talking is Teaching’ Message with Parents and Community Leaders at Local Phoenix Event

Phoenix, AZ
Press Release
Senator’s Wife and Philanthropist Meets With Dozens of Parents, Business and Community Leaders to Discuss Ways to Improve Early Learning for Young Children
Phoenix, AZ—Cindy McCain, businesswoman, philanthropist, member of the Leadership Council of Too Small to Fail and longtime early education advocate, will meet with dozens of parents, community and business leaders today at the Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) Community Center to discuss how parents and caregivers can improve their young children’s vocabulary using simple actions like talking, reading and singing for at least 15 minutes every day. The event is hosted by Univision Communications Inc., the leading media company serving Hispanic America, and Too Small to Fail, a joint initiative between Next Generation and the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation; this is part of a sustained effort to improve early learning and prepare children to enter kindergarten across the country.
Parents at today’s event will speak directly with Mrs. McCain and Univision executive Roberto Llamas, EVP, Chief Human Resources & Community Empowerment Officer, Univision Communications Inc., as well as several local community leaders, about ways they can improve their children’s early learning. While many parents agree on the importance of spending quality time with their young children, only about half of those interviewed in focus groups report reading, singing or doing other activities with their young children daily to promote brain development and vocabulary.
Research has shown that that children in low-income families hear up to   30 million fewer words by age four than their high-income counterparts. This is commonly referred to as the "word gap.” But when parents and caregivers talk, read and sing to their babies and toddlers every day, they help expand their children’s language skills and significantly increase their chances for future academic success.
This local event is one of dozens of community events and special programming hosted by Univision during April, but is part of a longer campaign called “Pequeños y Valiosos” (Young and Valuable), launched earlier this year in partnership with Too Small to Fail. The multi-year campaign is delivering expert research, commentary and information across Univision platforms.
“Parents are our children’s first teachers,” said Mrs. McCain, “and they have a great opportunity to make a real difference in their young children’s lives. I am optimistic that Arizona’s families will embrace these messages and help make sure our children are prepared to succeed in 21st century America.”
“Univision is proud to work with parents and children to help our Hispanic community succeed and are committed to initiatives that provide them access to the resources and information they need in this regard,” said Llamas.


Grandma-to-be Hillary Clinton Recalls her Grandmother as Faith Site Goes Live

At a Saturday morning keynote address to the United Methodist Women’s Assembly today,  Hillary reminisced about her grandmother whom she credited with instilling her strong faith.   Speaking at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky recalled vivid memories of the woman she says shaped her faith.

Hillary Clinton says grandmother shaped her faith

Associated Press

Clinton spoke of the faith instilled in her by her grandmother.

She said that helped guide some of the initiatives she started at the State Department.

They included efforts to fight human trafficking and promote maternal health care in developing countries.

Read more >>>>
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Meanwhile, a new website dedicated to courting faith voters to a yet undeclared Clinton presidential campaign went live yesterday. 

Web site launches to woo voters of faith for Hillary Clinton

Friday, April 25, 2014

Upcoming: On Hillary Clinton's Agenda

Here are a few of Hillary's coming speaking engagements.


Louisville KY
Kentucky International Convention Center
Keynote at United Methodist Women’s Assembly

Sedona AZ
Enchantment Resort
McCain Institute Forum

Washington DC
Gallaudet University
Keynote: 25th Anniversary HIPPY Conference

The Clintons Celebrate Oscar de la Renta in New York

The Clintons joined former mayor Mike Bloomberg, Sandy Weill, Diane von Furstenberg, and honoree and friend, Oscar de la Renta, who received the  2014 Carnegie Hall Medal Of Excellence at the Plaza Hotel last night.  


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hillary Clinton on Time's Most Influential List

Once again, Hillary has been named among the most influential by Time Magazine.  Her entry was penned by Malala Yousafzai who also was named and celebrated by Gabrielle Giffords.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton TIME 100
Larry Marano—Getty Images

The advocate for women leaders

Hillary Clinton is a symbol of strength for women across the world. It was she who famously said, “Women’s rights are human rights.” She not only spoke those words, but also dedicated her life to empowering women around the world through politics and philanthropy. She has been a source of strength for many women leaders, including myself, my family and those who stood by me after I was attacked. “Continue your mission, be strong, we believe in you” is what she said to me, my father and the rest of the Malala Fund team when we met her last year at the Clinton Global Initiative awards. Her life and leadership show women what we can achieve if we believe in our own strength and if we channel our inner creativity, compassion and determination. A world with more women leaders will be a better world, and Hillary Clinton is helping make that possible.
Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist who defied the Taliban to attend school and is a co-founder of the Malala Fund
Chelsea Clinton wrote the entry about her friend Jason Collins who was named to the list.

Jason Collins

Jason Collins TIME 100
Paola Kudacki for TIME

The NBA player who went first

I met Jason Collins when we were freshmen at Stanford. Not surprisingly, the first thing I noticed was his height. The second thing I noticed was his kindness off the court — and his fierceness on it. Kindness to his friends, his family and fans. Fierceness in his drive to win. Jason has always been focused on others, on what’s right for those he loves, and on helping those whose jersey is the same as his.
When Jason called to talk about his forthcoming Sports Illustrated cover story, “The Gay Athlete,” I realized at some point that I wasn’t surprised we were having the conversation we were. Not because I knew what we were going to talk about when I answered the phone. Rather, because it made eminent sense that it would be Jason becoming the first openly gay, still active pro athlete in a major U.S. sports league.
Jason’s kindness and fierceness alike derive from that word too often bandied about and too rarely true: integrity. Jason has always maintained he’s first a basketball player. He is. But he’s also a leader and an inspiration. For Michael Sam, Derrick Gordon and others whose names we may never know. And also for those of us lucky enough to be fans — or to call him our friend.
Hillary wrote the tribute for her successor at the State Department, John Kerry.

John Kerry

John Kerry TIME 100
The Secretary of State visiting Riyadh in January to discuss the conflict in Syria. Brendan Smialowski—The New York Times/Redux

The relentless negotiator

Diplomacy is in John Kerry’s blood. As the son of a foreign-service officer, he grew up understanding that America’s destiny is entwined with that of the wider world.
Diplomacy takes stamina, passion and perspective, and John embodies these traits. He is relentless in the face of the most persistent obstacles — keeping alive the dream of peace in the Middle East, standing up to Russia’s ongoing aggression in Ukraine, negotiating the removal of chemical weapons from Syria and signing an interim nuclear deal with Iran. And his work on climate change exemplifies these qualities. Addressing the dangers posed by global warming has long been a personal commitment for him. I know from experience just how hard this is. There’s nobody better suited to carry the cause forward than John Kerry. The people of the United States can be proud he’s representing America and its interests abroad. I know I am.
Clinton served as the 67th U.S. Secretary of State

Upcoming: John McCain to Host Hillary Clinton in Sedona on Saturday


McCain Institute To Host Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at The Sedona Forum 2014

WASHINGTON (April 24, 2014) – The McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University announced today that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will participate in a conversation with U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) at the McCain Institute's annual Sedona Forum on Saturday, April 26, 2014 in Sedona, Arizona.
"I am very pleased to have my friend Secretary Clinton join this year's Sedona Forum," said Senator McCain. "From her years of service as first lady, in the U.S. Senate and at the State Department, one would be hard-pressed to find a leader with Secretary Clinton's informed perspective on the many challenges facing America across the globe."

The Sedona Forum is the McCain Institute’s annual gathering of national and international thought-leaders, decision-makers, business leaders, philanthropists, activists, and experts to discuss approaches and solutions to real-world problems—all from the starting assumption of character-driven leadership and core democratic values.

"We are delighted to have former Secretary Clinton join us in Sedona,” said ASU President Dr. Michael M. Crow. “The McCain Institute's Sedona Forum continues to grow and attract the best minds from government, business, academia and civil society to Arizona for stimulating discussion and recommendations for action on a wide range of global issues."

The Sedona Forum 2014 will focus on “Crisis in the Middle East: Values, Strategy and Options,” and will also include sessions on Russia and Ukraine and on combating human trafficking.

UConn, Dual NCAA Number Ones, Gives Hillary Clinton Dual Onesies

Unless you gave up March Madness for Lent this year, you saw that one school took home both the men and women's championships.    Speaking at the University of Connecticut's Edmund Fusco Contemporary Issues Forum yesterday, Hillary was delighted to accept a couple of Huskies onesies for her grandchild-to-be from university president Susan Herbst. 

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Hillary Clinton speaks at UConn

STORRS, Conn. (WTNH) — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew best how to reach Husky fans at an event on campus Wednesday night: basketball.

“A seven seed playing in the final four,” she said. “They say that never happens but that’s the kind of odds I personally like and winning, you busted every bracket.”
And she wasn’t done with compliments, highlighting how the millennial generation, including here at UConn, is service-oriented.

“UConn students participate in a wide range of community service projects and I’m very proud that a number of you have joined the Clinton global initiative,” she said.
In her speech she said she wants to open more doors particularly for women, spread access to education, and create jobs.

“I know it can’t be done without young people in our country deciding, making a difference,” Clinton said. “Let’s make the millennial generation the participation generation.”

Then questions came from UConn President Susan Herbst, selected from students on topics like Ukraine and immigration. But she was never asked about a possible 2016 presidential run – just about what Clinton thinks about the current bipartisan political climate.

Read more and see news video >>>>

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hillary Clinton Inspires at Simmons Leadership Conference

Telling her audience that sometimes as secretary of state she was treated as an honorary man, Hillary Clinton charmed her audience at the Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston today with advice, personal insights, and her signature humor.

Revisiting her 2008 primary campaign she reminisced about those who wanted not just to knock her down but to knock her out and advised the "iron my shirt" guys to iron it themselves.  Crediting her parents and her participation in sports for helping her to build resilience, she advised young, perfectionist women to dare to compete and to choose "done" over "perfect."

She closed to a standing ovation - as we could have predicted.

A few choice quotes and twitpics follow.
"Always surprising to me how many women think they have to be perfect. I rarely meet a young man who doesnt think he already is"

"Sometimes your critics can be your best advisors. Reflect with an open mind & don't take [it] personally -grow"
“There’s an army of women and frankly, a very large group of older women who could make a real difference to America’s corporations, businesses, academia, politics — you name it,”
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Note to Jimmy Fallon:  If this is a man's pantsuit, please wear this one on your show.  The fringy pink tweed Chanel collar would give you a break from the ties and look just peachy on you!
