When Hillary Clinton is in Chicago, she always takes advantage of the situation for a meet-up with lifelong friends in the area. In town to speak at the ALA conference yesterday, she stopped off at a favorite eatery to renew old ties.
Hillary Clinton, Gina Stefani, friends and staff at TuscanyFacebook
— Former Democratic Presidential nominee and Chicago-area native Hillary Clinton was in town yesterday — and ate lunch at Tuscany on Taylor Street. There’s no word on what the former Secretary of State ate, as Gina Stefani is mum on the details, only writing that “it was great to see Secretary Clinton and her friends while she was in town (yesterday). My family has had the pleasure to serve both the Secretary and President over the years when they are in Chicago.” That relationship dates back several years. Phil Stefani catered Clinton’s 50th birthday party in 1998.
Hillary was in Chicago today to deliver the keynote speech at the American Library Association conference. A few of our friends were there! (Hi, John West and Jim Livesey!)
Hillary Clinton delivered the keynote speech Tuesday morning in Chicago at the American Library Association's annual conference.
The Park Ridge native and best-selling author spoke about the importance of librarians, their jobs and the survival of libraries.
"I believe libraries and democracy go hand in hand," she said to loud cheers.
Clinton opened her remarks with humorous references to her presidential campaign, saying that books got her through good times and bad times. She made history by becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major political party. Prior to that, she was Secretary of State, a U.S. senator from New York and the first lady.
Clinton kept her remarks on topic and positive, trying not to rehash the 2016 election except to say that books and a couple other things helped her recover from the loss.
"Long walks in the woods and the occasional glass of chardonnay," she joked. Read more >>>>
Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that the U.S. is in the midst of one of the most important battles in the country’s history ― and librarians are on the “front lines.”
The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee praised libraries for being essential to a free society and encouraged Americans to fight against President Donald Trump’s “deeply disturbing” proposed cuts to their federal funding.
“The work you do is at the heart of an open, inclusive and diverse society,” Clinton told a crowd at the American Library Association’s conference in Chicago. “I believe libraries and democracy go hand-in-hand.”
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at the American Library Association’s annual conference. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images)[/caption] Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at the American Library Association’s annual conference. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images)[/caption]
“Don’t Judge a Book By It’s Cover” advises another “uppity” woman, Katy Perry, reading my book on the beach
During the past couple of months, Hillary Clinton has come “out of the woods” to deliver several speeches and give three fascinating interviews in which she said what everyone who has paid any attention to post-election revelations should know: her loss in 2016 was not due to any one factor, but an over-determined pile-on that few candidates could have weathered — and that she almost did overcome, even so.
There were the factors that would have hobbled any Democrat: gerrymandering, voter suppression, the deplorable — yes, deplorable — appeal of Donald Trump to white supremacist and rabid nationalist anger, and the mistaken belief among ordinary working people that the man who lived in a golden penthouse was somehow “on their side.”
Here is the report everyone is talking about today. Rarely do I post an article before reading and fully digesting it myself, but this is different. Based on sources deep inside the Russian government, this report validates what we suspected knew all along: that Putin directed these initiatives and that the target, specifically, was Hillary Clinton. So, without having read more than a few paragraphs, I am posting it here to provide immediate circulation. It is long. It is important.
(Photo by Alexei Druzhinin/AFP/Getty Images; photo illustration by Nick Kirkpatrick/The Washington Post)[/caption]Early last August, an envelope with extraordinary handling restrictions arrived at the White House. Sent by courier from the CIA, it carried “eyes only” instructions that its contents be shown to just four people: President Barack Obama and three senior aides.
The White House debated various options to punish Russia, but facing obstacles and potential risks, it ultimately failed to exact a heavy toll on the Kremlin for its election interference.
Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.
But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump. Read more >>>>
It is also important that we thank the Washington Post team for their dogged pursuit of the truth. We have seen in the past as we see today that persistent investigative reporting is essential to keeping the government on task. The task is uncovering the truth.
Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan delivers remarks at the 47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Cancun, Mexico, on June 20, 2017.
Today, Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan led the U.S. delegation at the 47th Regular Session of the Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico.
In his remarks to 33 heads of delegation from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada, Deputy Secretary Sullivan outlined U.S. goals for engagement in the Americas for mutual security and shared prosperity, the principles and values we share with fellow OAS member states, and our support for collective OAS action when these principles and values are threatened, such as in Venezuela.
It is not the first time that Tillerson has taken a back seat, and we can wager it will not be the last. Hillary Clinton, when she was secretary of state, often emphasized the importance of face-to-face meetings. It is no secret that the Trump administration plans to pare down the state department and de-emphasize diplomacy in general, but this kind of abdication of presence comes as a shock nevertheless.
Multinational summits and assemblies are prime ground for networking among peers. For Tillerson to turn his back on 33 counterparts from our backyard smacks of lunkheaded isolationism on our part as a nation and betrays a dangerous consolidation of power and authority at the top.
Foreign ministers and secretaries of state knew, when they met with Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that major concerns voiced to them would be passed on to the president. Depriving these officials of the opportunity to meet with Tillerson eliminates an important conduit.
Hillary Clinton's first appearance at an OAS GA coincided with a push on that body's part to readmit Cuba which Hillary opposed without strict conditions on human rights reform. She also, everywhere she went, made a point of meeting not only with officials but also with civic leaders and organizations. You can read about some of her Latin American diplomacy here. This was "smart power," as Hillary dubbed it. At summits and assemblies, the presence of the top official is key. Seems now we are reverting to a counter-productive foreign policy. All power is consolidated in the man at the top and excludes his official top diplomat. This is the Trump Doctrine: Stupid Power.
This blog turned nine years old this month. On Sunday, Salon re-published an interview with Hillary Clinton from 10 years ago. It has never been posted here before and makes for some very interesting reading!
Hillary Clinton was interviewed over the telephone by Salon [on June 14, 2007] before she flew to New Hampshire.
The first time I interviewed you was in the governor’s mansion in Little Rock in 1992. So I was tempted to ask: Anything happen in your life since then?
Oh, I don’t know. What’s new with you?
If you’ve seen a Broadway show in the last six months or so, there’s a significant chance you saw a surprise double bill: the play or musical you paid for and a celebrity cameo by Hillary Clinton, smiling politely as the audience gave her another standing ovation. On Thursday, the former Democratic nominee, her husband Bill, and her daughter Chelsea attended a performance of Come From Away, a musical about the roughly 7,000 air travelers grounded in Gander, Newfoundland, after planes were rerouted following the aerial attacks on 9/11. Christopher Ashley took home a Tony for Best Direction for the production earlier this month.
The musical’s co-writer David Hein later praised the Clintons, who posed for photos with the cast, on Facebook. Hein wrote in part, “So many lines in the show resonated differently — especially the scene where passengers try to vote for a different destination and are told, “this is not a democracy.” Afterwards onstage, they were so gracious, taking pictures and speaking to each of us. President Clinton told Caesar one of his 9/11 stories, when he met a Muslim man who was afraid his countrymen would never trust him again. We and Sharon got to introduce our daughters to Chelsea. And Hilary told us, ‘this is a show that the world needs now.’ So honoured to have this story of Newfoundland kindness recognized and celebrated by them.”
Statement from President Clinton on the Passing of Helmut Kohl
I am deeply saddened by the passing of my dear friend, Helmut Kohl, whose visionary leadership prepared Germany and all of Europe for the 21st century.
He was called upon to answer some of the most monumental questions of his time, and in answering them correctly he made possible the reunification of a strong, prosperous Germany and the creation of the European Union. I will never forget walking with him through the Brandenburg Gate in 1994 for a large rally on the eastern side, and seeing genuine hope in the eyes of tens of thousands of young people. I knew at that moment that Helmut Kohl was the man who could help them realize their dreams. History continues to prove that he delivered.
As the world remembers a leader who was strong in more than stature, Hillary and I send our thoughts and prayers to Maike, Helmut's sons, Walter and Peter, and the people of Germany.
No, Hillary Clinton hasn't seen Wonder Woman — yet. Clinton appeared in a surprise taped message at the Women in Film Crystal + Lucy Awards on June 13, and in a brief speech honoring actor and director Elizabeth Banks, she made a pointed, crowd-pleasing nod to both the pop-culture phenomenon and Donald Trump's presidency.Clinton admitted she hasn't yet gotten a chance to see the new female-driven blockbuster, but told the audience: "I'm going to, in part because it's directed by the fabulous Patty Jenkins." She then went on to draw a subtly sly comparison between the Amazonian superhero's storyline and her own role in the 2016 presidential election. "Something tells me that a movie about a strong, powerful woman fighting to save the world from a massive international disaster," Clinton teased, "is right up my alley." The quip drew a roar of laughter and applause from the crowd gathered in Beverly Hills for the ceremony. Read more >>>>
BEVERLY HILLS, California — Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Sen. Kamala Harris made surprise appearances at Women in Film’s awards ceremony with special videos, while veteran newsman Dan Rather called the group’s work toward gender parity in entertainment an example of “basic American decency, tolerance and generosity.”
Comedian Jessica Williams hosted the unexpectedly patriotic Crystal + Lucy Awards Tuesday at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, where F-bombs flew freely and “Wonder Woman” earned applause anytime it was mentioned.
Clinton said she hadn’t seen “Wonder Woman” yet, but planned to: “Something tells me that a movie about a strong powerful woman fighting to save the world from a massive international disaster is right up my alley,” she said before introducing Crystal Award-winner Elizabeth Banks. Read more >>>>
Former Democatic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Sunday said she brought home a bottle of the "Rodham Rye" whiskey that was named for her in the wake of the election. Read more >>>>
Hillary Clinton delivered the commencement address today at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York which awarded her an honorary Doctor of Letters.
BALTIMORE (AP) — Hillary Clinton says now is the time to embrace the spirit of unity, referencing a terror attack in London.
The former Democratic presidential candidate spoke Monday evening at a Baltimore fundraiser on behalf of the Elijah Cummings Youth Program.
The program is a joint effort between the Maryland congressman and the Baltimore Jewish Council that pays for high school students to study in Israel. Read more >>>>
Fundraiser helped raise money for Rep. Cummings' Youth Program in Israel
Jun 6, 2017
BALTIMORE —Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the special guest at a fundraiser Monday in Fells Point.
The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee was the keynote speaker for at the event to raise funds for Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Youth Program in Israel.
The student program aims to build bonds between the African-American and Jewish communities through leadership training and community service. Read more >>>>
It was not the Javits Center event we had planned for Hillary Clinton, but seven months after a sad night under that glass ceiling, Hillary Clinton finally did make her entrance and was cheerful, open, and honest.
She was interviewed by Cheryl Strayed who wrote (and experienced) Wild and said she's been reading mysteries. She mentioned Louise Penny. I went through every Louise Penny book this year as an escape from the political news. I recommend her books! Very educational about Canada for Americans who might not know a lot of Canadian history and a nice, warm, small-town set of stock characters with whom you become friends.
After Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election to Donald Trump last November, she found solace in an unusual place: murder mysteries. As Trump was celebrating his victory and selecting his cabinet, she was diving into works by authors like Louise Penny, Jacqueline Winspear and Donna Leon.
The reason, she said, was simple: "It was very comforting because it"—solving the murder—"was somebody else's problem."
Touching on everything from those fictional crimes to chardonnay, Clinton spoke Thursday night to a packed house at Book Expo, a publishing industry event hosted by ReedPOP in New York City. The event took place in the Javits Center, the location for what was supposed to be her victory party on Nov. 8. Read more >>>>