Located near Embassy Row, the Clintons's Neo-Georgian residence—designed with longtime collaborator Rosemarie Howe—is the definition of a family refuge
“It was an emotional reaction,” says Hillary Clinton of her first visit to what is now her Beltway home, dubbed “Whitehaven” because it’s nestled on Whitehaven Street in the tony Massachusetts Avenue neighborhood of Washington, D.C. “When I was elected to the Senate in 2000, I knew that I needed a place to live while we were in session during the year. So I began looking. And, I had an experience in this house, which was just emotional. I had gone up to the third floor and looked out over the trees—to the back of the British embassy—and I just felt like I was in old-time London or New York. The gardens were just the most amazing that I had seen anywhere in my real-estate tour,” she says.
an afternoon with Philippe’s former boss, Hillary Clinton. More
precisely, Emily & Molly interviewed Hillary in her Washington, D.C.
home for over an hour while Philippe made himself comfortable in her
house and backyard. (When you listen you’ll hear why he excused himself;
and at the end you’ll also hear us at his house telling him
what he missed.) Hillary discusses events of the day, events of
yesterday, events of tomorrow — everything we threw at her while sitting
around her dining room table — including the Republican assault on Roe
v. Wade, the differences between Richard Nixon and donald trump, trump’s
“pathetic” cabinet, Rudy Giuliani’s two-decade long fixation on her,
and her one-on-one meetings with more than half of the 20+ Democrats
running for President. The interview was so long and so good we didn’t
want to cut anything to make it fit into one episode. So we split it
down the middle with the second half coming.
Wonderful morning today with Hillary and Gov. Cuomo marching in the Chappaqua #MemorialDay Parade. Today, we honor those who have given their lives for our country and thank them for all they made possible.
Always such a joy to march in Chappaqua’s Memorial Day parade.
Wishing everyone a lovely day of reflection and gratitude for all those who have served and sacrificed for the country we all love. pic.twitter.com/IFV6XEBZVC
When I was the First Lady of Arkansas one of the things I was most proud of is a school in Hot Springs I helped start, the @ARMathSciArts. I’m back in Hot Springs today to deliver the commencement address to the Class of 2019. Tune in!https://t.co/yeAbh0PqM3
Hillary Clinton speaks at the Harris County Democratic Party luncheon in Houston, Texas "If Texans voted at the same percentage as Californians, this state would already be blue," Hillary Clinton says at Houston event. "That's just a fact. The real kind, not the alternative variety. #HillaryClinton#Houston#Texas To turn Texas blue, Hillary Clinton says, "It's not enough to cross our fingers and say a prayer and hope for a perfect candidate. "We have to commit to the hard, essential work of organizing." Citing women's suffrage and civil rights movements, Hillary Clinton says that if you've "ever wondered what you have been doing during those defining moments that we read about in history books...the answer is what you're doing right now."
Last night @HillaryClinton attended the opening of the beautiful new #StatueofLibertyMuseum. Such an inspiring sight. Two ladies of liberty who have stood strong on rocky waters, shined light in our darkest of hours, and inspired generations to dream the American Dream. pic.twitter.com/Pyfyq1eYMy
Posted: Wed 6:41 PM, May 08, 2019 |
Updated: Wed 6:56 PM, May 08, 2019
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke at Dartmouth College Wednesday.
Clinton is no stranger to Dartmouth. She made several stops at the Hanover school during both the 2008 and 2016 presidential primaries. But Wednesday's visit was not a campaign event. Instead, it was a discussion about the world we live in.
Clinton touched on a wide range of topics during the hour-plus question-and-answer lecture. Topics included the Iran nuclear deal, Watergate and the Russia relationship.
Clinton, of course, brings a wealth of knowledge from her time as U.S. secretary of state. She also addressed the Mueller report. Read more and see video >>>>
To cap off a tumultuous day wherein AG Barr stonewalled many incisive questions from Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Hillary Clinton paid a visit to Rachel Maddow. Here are a few snippets.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during an event at Barnard College, January 7, 2019 in New York City.
Washington (CNN)Reacting to Attorney General William Barr's testimony on Wednesday, Hillary Clinton said the notion that the President can fire any prosecutor investigating him if he feels the accusations are false is "the road to tyranny."
Clinton made the comments during an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Wednesday evening. During the show, Maddow pointed to something Barr had said in his public testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"The point I was trying to make earlier is that, in the situation of the President, who has constitutional authority to supervise proceedings, if in fact a proceeding was not well founded, if it was a groundless proceeding, if it was based on false allegations, the President does not have to sit there, constitutionally, and allow it to run its course," Barr said during his testimony. "The President could terminate that proceeding, and it would not be a corrupt intent, because he was being falsely accused."
Maddow said Barr was making the argument that "the President can't be investigated if the President doesn't want to be investigated."
"And that, that is the road to tyranny," Clinton said. "That is what authoritarians believe and those who service them argue."
After the 2020 census, state legislatures will redraw district lines across all fifty states. We only have to look at the way those lines have shifted over the last few decades to infer that Republicans will feel comfortable using the redistricting progress to disenfranchise voters and ensure GOP majorities for the next decade.
Gerrymandering is a critical issue, and one that should define the 2020 election. I wasn’t at all surprised to learn that three of our Onward Together partner organizations have put their heads together and come up with a plan to ensure that Democrats win key elections next fall. This week, our partners at Swing Left, Run for Something, and Arena launched the Grassroots Redistricting Project. They’re targeting legislative chambers in nine states to ensure that Democrats have a fair say in the redistricting process, but they’ll need the power of this team to make it happen. Today, sign up to learn more about how you can get involved in the Grassroots Redistricting Project: Learn more
I’m so proud of everyone taking part in this fight.