Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blonde Obsession: Republicans Desperately Seeking Hillary Instead of a Fiscal Solution - Shameful!

Years of blogging here about Hillary Clinton have taught me that there is one group of people who have a hard time dealing with Hillary undercover, behind closed doors, or in any other way out of the public eye.  They are her loyal followers and supporters.  For them, over the years.  I have posted a variety of slideshows as "Hillary-fixes" when she is either indisposed or catching a little R & R. 

For two weeks now, a second group of people have raised a clamor over her absence from the spotlight.  Neither loyalists nor supporters,  in fact not even Democrats, their hysteria about her absence has been reaching fever pitch over the past few days in the most illogical context.  They consist of a faction of the Republican Party (certainly not all) who demand,  ever more loudly, to know where Hillary is because, they charge, she is feigning illness and injury in order to avoid testifying before Congress  about events in Benghazi on September 11. 

Here's the thing: Congress is not even in session.  To whom are they expecting her to testify?  To an empty chamber?  Not even responsible enough to address our fiscal problems in the waning days of the year,  they are bouncing off the walls because they do not know where she is or what she is doing. 

Ironically, if Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State,  had ever received the kind of press coverage for her work that she should have, this blog would have been rendered unnecessary.   Since she has not received that coverage these pages have attempted to keep a record.

Today, the installment of the year in review here covered August 2012.  When you look at it and at the August archive, you see that her family rented an East Hampton vacation home for two weeks of this year and that she did  not even get to spend more than 10 days there.  Most Americans with easier jobs get a longer vacation.  By August 30 she was back in the air on a difficult trip on precious little rest. 
Fast forward to this month when, while on foreign travel in Europe, she was felled by a nasty bug,  fainted from dehydration,  sustained a concussion,  and was ordered by her doctors to stay home, rest, and recover doing as little work as possible.  Oh the rumor-mongering that ensued!  Oh the breast-beating and cries of "foul!" 

That all of this occurs among the holidays indicate the lack of interest these people have had in Hillary's whereabouts in the past.  Except for once, in late December 2010 when a press release informed us that on January 1 the Secretary of State would be in Brasilia for the inauguration of Dilma Rouseff, we have not seen or heard from Mme. Secretary from about December 23 till early January - about the fourth - the routine reason for all of those Hillary-fixes for her loyalists. 

So what's up?  Are these hysterical cries for news of her due to a sudden concern for her well-being?  Nope!  They insist she is trying to avoid testifying ... additional proof that they never had an interest in her activities and know nothing about her.  Hillary Clinton has already responded to Congress about the ARB report in writing and most assuredly will respond to all of the questions Congress wishes to put to her when she has rested and her doctors clear her to return to work.

Hillary Clinton is a straightforward person who prepares diligently for hearings like these and answers with honesty and dignity.  She took responsibility for Benghazi long ago ...  before the President even did.  She has nothing to fear or be stressed about where these hearings are concerned.  These noisy people, if they want to do something of consequence, should get their behinds back to D.C. and do something about our fiscal situation.

They should leave Hillary alone.  She worked herself sick for this country.  We would appreciate a little work from the House with its paltry work schedule. Leave our Hillary in the shadow and let her recover.


***Edited to add this***

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to return to work

Updated at 05:46 PM today
WASHINGTON (WABC) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is expected to return to work next week.


Clinton aide Philippe Reines released a statement saying, "The Secretary continues to recuperate at home. She had long planned to take this holiday week off, so she had no work schedule. She looks forward to getting back to the office next week and resuming her schedule."

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