The artist, Gretchen Baer, sent me this great article about her latest project on the border wall. It appears the border guards get a kick out of the Hillcar.
Artists brighten up U.S.-Mexico border fence
A team from Arizona spearheads the painting of murals on the southern side of the boundary, in a colorful gesture of fellowship.
By Cindy Carcamo, Los Angeles TimesDecember 23, 2012
BISBEE, Ariz. — They can't tear it down, so they decided to do the next best thing. They painted it.
For nearly a year, a contingent of artists from southeastern Arizona has joined forces with Mexican children to paint portions of the 650 miles of border fence separating the United States and Mexico.
Monday was Baer's fourth painting trip to Naco. She's famous in Bisbee for her 1989 Toyota that serves as an artistic shrine to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Baer's a fan, she explained, as she pulled up to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection station in Naco, Ariz.
A U.S. customs agent eyed the decked-out ride. Splashes of yellow and sky blue drape the sedan. Glued-on seashells and rhinestone-like gems frame a stylized portrait of Clinton's face on the hood.
"What are you going to do on the other side?" the agent asked.
"We're working on a painting project," she replied.
"On your car?" the agent asked.
"No," Baer said, chuckling slightly. The agent waved her through.
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