Video: Hillary Clinton With Six Pakistani Interviewers At One Time - Holds Her Own! AWESOME!
First things first. This adorable gif is the work of conaninincharge at hillary_daily, and from the first moment I saw it, I wondered from whence it came. Of course it is almost impossible for Hillary bloggers to keep up with every single posted item since most of us also have jobs and responsibilities etc. But tonight, I happened upon the original video, and even though this evidently goes back to October 28, 2009 in Pakistan, it is well worth viewing. Here she is being interviewed by six major Pakistani journalists. This is not an easy interview. Sometimes several are speaking at once, and the questions are hard and confrontational. But the Hillary we saw in the debates and on the campaign trail shines even brighter here and now than she did then (and I did not think that was possible). She remains amazingly on task, cheerful, and consistently on target. It is a performance not to be missed. So even though it is not new, it is worth a view!