New Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Op-Ed originally published in The Miami Herald
June 1, 2009
inauguration of a new President in El Salvador today is a testament to
the strength and durability of democracy throughout the Americas. Since
Mauricio Funes’ election earlier this year, we have witnessed a peaceful
transfer of power between two formerly warring parties. Elsewhere in
the Western Hemisphere, democratic elections and free market economies
have become the norm over the past 15 years. These developments speak to
the dynamism of our region and its potential to assert greater global
leadership in the 21st century.
Yet as we celebrate this progress,
we should also acknowledge what President Obama has called “a critical
moment for the people of the Americas.” To tap into the full potential
of people throughout our region, we now seek to build on gains at the
ballot box and ensure that democracy and open markets deliver – bringing
greater opportunities and material benefits to people at all levels of
The urgency of this task is made more so by the global
economic recession. In our region, the income gap continues to widen;
too few girls and boys finish their educations; women, rural farmers,
Afro-descendants and indigenous people remain trapped on the bottom rung
of the economic and social ladder with too few opportunities to move
Today in El Salvador, I am joining other leaders from around the
world in celebrating the historic inauguration of President-elect Funes
and the promise of democracy to transform people’s lives. I have also
joined ministers from more than a dozen countries in the Western
Hemisphere to make good on the President’s and my commitment to
re-launch Pathways to Prosperity, a multilateral initiative to promote
shared prosperity throughout the Americas. The President and I hope to
harness and expand this initiative to spread the benefits of economic
recovery, growth, and open markets to reach the most vulnerable and
marginalized in societies across the region.
This is a matter of
shared responsibility. The nations of our region are connected by
geography, history, culture, politics, and economics. And while that
interconnectedness has produced greater prosperity for some of us –
including the United States -- we are keenly aware that our Hemisphere’s
economic progress will stall if the poor get poorer and the
middle-class shrinks, or if historically disenfranchised groups remain
isolated from national, regional and hemispheric markets. To paraphrase
an old saying: When the tide rises, it should lift all boats.
Every nation in our Hemisphere shares responsibility for assuring this progress – and for moving beyond rhetoric to results.
Together, we can provide opportunities for education and training that
people need to compete and control their own economic destinies. That is
true in the United States; it is true throughout the Americas. Foreign
language training is an especially powerful tool that opens doors and
ties people together across borders and markets.
We can work
together to provide access to credit and streamline regulations to help
entrepreneurs launch and expand small businesses. Training and
supporting new business leaders, including women and minority
entrepreneurs, will spur wider growth and create new jobs.
We can
forge new partnerships that bring together governments, businesses,
sub-regional institutions, diaspora communities, and other stakeholders
to harness untapped resources and talent.
And we can make
investments in clean energy that offer the prospect of new jobs and new
opportunities throughout the region, just as they do at home.
Trade that is free and fair and coupled with greater inclusion benefits us all.
The United States is committed to being a full and equal partner in the
Americas. At the same time, we recognize that a “one size fits all”
approach does not match the realities of these times or the world in
which we live. And we recognize that we won’t always agree on every
issue. But differences of opinion and perspective are no excuse for
failing to strengthen our partnerships in areas of common concern so
that we can build a future of shared prosperity and progress. So let’s
join together and get to work.