After whipping up support for Andrew Cuomo in New York
this morning, Hillary went to Minnesota for a "get out the vote" rally
for Mark Dayton and Al Franken. Amy Klobuchar joined them onstage at Macalester College in St. Paul.
check here for everybody. These campaign events and Hillary's tireless
campaigning (she makes a swing through New England tomorrow) are not
about "stacking Congress" for her in case she decides to run in 2016.
This election right now has everything to do with a whole hideous agenda
out there if these candidates are not elected. It is crucial.
can forget about immigration reform and raising the minimum wage if
they lose. We will also see cuts to important social safety nets at
both state and federal levels if the Democratic Party loses the Senate
and these state houses. It is valuable to remember the lessons of the 2010 mid-terms right about now.
This election is not about Hillary. Perhaps she is one who best understands that. It is about you: your family, your children, your parents, and you. It is about
threatened cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. It is about Tea Party
candidates who want to privatize Social Security. (How's your 401K or
403B doing?) It is about reducing benefits that we already have.
reason Bill and Hillary Clinton are criss-crossing the country is
because there are immediate threats to social programs that American families depend on right now. Bill Clinton has said that when we vote
we win. We need to win just to maintain the status quo.
No one
can afford to take anything for granted. Hillary said that today in New York. We all need to vote. We
cannot afford to lose. When we lose, if we lose, amazing changes can
happen overnight, and they will not be good. Congress may have acted
like it was operating in a tar pit since 2009, but if the Republicans
win the Senate, a surge of electrical energy like a bolt of lightning
will galvanize them. That will also happen in states where Republicans
win the state house from Democrats.
So everyone needs to vote,
not because Hillary has asked us to or needs us to, but because Hillary
knows what will happen if we do not and is trying to tell us. It will not
be pretty.
Every vote counts, always and every time. If you are too young to
remember the 2000 election, please take my word for it (or, if you don't trust me, look it up or watch HBO's Recount)).