Monday, January 18, 2016

#DemDebate Aftermath: Thank You Note from the Campaign

Jessica Morales Rocketto sent this great email after the debate.  Thanks to all for everything you do!  Whether you were tweeting, Facebooking, phone banking, knocking on doors, or hosting a debate party, every team member's efforts count toward the victory we know we can achieve.
Tonight’s debate made me proud to be part of Team Hillary -- proud to fight for the woman who never, ever stops fighting for us, and proud to fight alongside so many amazing people who are working hard to make sure she’s our next president (including you!).
Take a look at what the team was up to tonight, retweet your favorites, and tell the world why #ImWithHer.
The team was pumped in South Carolina…
And some familiar faces were in the mix, too…
And most importantly, our volunteers kept right on working to make sure Hillary wins this nomination.
Thanks for being on the team -- now let’s get ready to win.
 I was so proud of Hillary tonight! Were you?  Why not make a donation, if you can, and let Hillary know what a great job she did. >>>>>>