If you are listening to Bernie make promises without plans in New
Hampshire right now, maybe you feel frustrated. Here is something you
can do to help Hillary, who does have the practical plans.She will not overpromise and underdeliver.
no part of a campaign I love more than Get Out The Vote -- or GOTV. In
the final few days before an election, you turn the intensity WAY UP to
turn out as many voters as possible to help your candidate win. And you
find out what your team's really made of as you try.
We know
that Bernie's campaign is raising more money than ours, and he's
outspending us on TV in New Hampshire by an even wider margin than he
did in Iowa. With the race this tight, it's more important than ever
that we reach as many voters as possible before New Hampshire heads to
the polls this Tuesday.
you join our GOTV for HRC team? Add your name to sign up, and I'll be
in touch with easy, specific ways you can help fight for Hillary in New
Hampshire and beyond.
I know that sometimes it can
be a little intimidating to root for Hillary on Twitter and Facebook.
But you're not alone -- this whole team's got your back. Let's make sure
the folks who are going to cast their ballots in New Hampshire feel us
rooting for them, too.
So let's go! Please believe that
we're going to make a difference to win this nomination for Hillary, and
we need your help to do it:
Marlon Marshall
Director of State and Political Engagement
Hillary for America