Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hillary Clinton in Westminster and Santa Ana

On Friday, Hillary held a rally with voters in Westminster at the Rose Center Theater and sat down with community leaders in Santa Ana.

Hillary Clinton in O.C.: Fans, friends and a woman with socks wait outside a rally in Westminster

It’s the anti- anti-Trump crowd.
Dozens of supporters are waiting outside a conference center in Westminster, waiting to see Hillary Clinton and, so far, not an egg has been tossed or a pinata decapitated in effigy.
Unlike rallys for Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, which sparked clashes involving Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters, the mood outside the Westminster Rose Center – where Clinton is slated to speak at 1:45 p.m. – is tame.
Dressed head to toe in navy colored “Hillary 4 president” gear, Helen Evers brought a life size cardboard cut-out of Clinton that she received last month as a birthday present.
“I desperately want to meet her,” said Evers, 70, of Costa Mesa, as she wore socks that had “HILLARY” on it.
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