Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Last Hillary Clinton Rally in Raleigh was Packed with Surprises!

What we knew before the crowd at the North Carolina State William Neal Reynolds Coliseum knew it was that Bon Jovi was on the plane with all the Clintons when they left Philadelphia for Raleigh.  WJC was pretending to be deaf when Andrea Mitchell asked a question.

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What none of us knew was that Lady Gaga would be at the rally. In a nod to Madeleine Albright, she sported a big, beautiful pin on the jacket of her pantsuit.  She spoke and then she performed with total Gaga gusto. (JSYK MSNBC cut into Mike Pence's loud boring screech in Grand Rapids but did not let us hear Gaga sing at all.  Our poor ears.)

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KODAK Digital Still Camera
In other news, last night Madonna gave a free concert for Hillary in Greenwich Village's Washington Square Park.  What a awesome night!

Chelsea introduced her dad, and he thanked Lady Gaga and Jon Bon Jovi.  He talked about the NC fights for voting and LGBT rights. Asked us not to quit until the polls close. He pointed out a sign in the hall about Hillary's mom that said "Dorothy was right." Then he talked about Hillary and how she is. Asked us to be there until the last person votes.

When Hillary came on the students started chanting her name and doing a bounce to "I believe she will win!"  Hil
lary praised their energy and enthusiasm.

Hillary spoke about the potential for joy, the choice between unity and division.

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You've got to love how Chelsea loves to see the love between her parents.
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As the saying goes, that was all she wrote. Now it is up to all of us. Be there!  Vote!  Be there. Get your friends and family to vote.  Be there!  Watch your neighbors' kids so they can vote.  Be there!  Give neighbors a lift to the polling location.  Be creative!  Imagine ways that you can move the vote forward.  Contact your local field office to see how you can pitch in.

Today is D-Day.  Happy Election Day, everyone, and thank you for all of your hard work! Thank you for your generosity.  You all are the best!  If you can, chipping in a few more dollars would also help.