Hillary Clinton On Losing the 2016 Presidential Election & Her Marriage to Bill
by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Read more >>>>For Better, for Worse
In this excerpt from her campaign memoir, Hillary Clinton reflects on the bond that has helped her through victory and defeat.
I was confident that Bill would be great at parenting. His father died before Bill was born; he knew how lucky he was to have this chance that his own father never had. Still, a lot of men are thrilled to be dads but not so thrilled about all the work that a child requires. The writer Katha Pollitt has observed how even the most egalitarian relationships can contort under the strain of child rearing, and all of a sudden the mom is expected to do everything, while the dad pitches in here and there. She calls it becoming “gender Republicans”—a nifty phrase, if perhaps a little unfair to all the feminist Republicans out there, who really do exist.
I knew that I had enough energy and devotion for two, if it turned out that Bill wasn’t a co-equal in the child-raising department. But I really hoped that wouldn’t happen. Our marriage had always been a true partnership. Though he was governor and then president—jobs that would seem to “beat” a lot of others, if you were the kind of person who ranked jobs like that—my career was important to me, too. So was my time and, more broadly, my identity. I couldn’t wait to become a mother, but I didn’t want to lose everything else about myself in the becoming. I was counting on my husband not just to respect that but also to join me in guarding against it.
So it was a wonderful thing when Chelsea arrived ....
Monday, September 11, 2017
Hillary Clinton: In Her Own Words on the Election and Her Marriage
Many thanks to PYW who shred this in a comment thread. It truly deserves a post of its own.