Thursday, November 2, 2017

Party Unity My A$$! The PUMAs Come Back With a ROAR!

It began with this.
Donna Brazile is an amazing woman and strong Democrat who has fought tirelessly to protect our voting rights, provided a voice for the voiceless and championed issues like increasing the min wage and equal pay for women. We stand with Donna, because Donna stands and has always stood with US! Looking forward to her continued service on the DNC as she consistently puts people first!
This petition will be delivered to:
I received it in Mark Murphy's name.  Mark is my friend. The message was that elements were trying to push Donna Brazile out of the Democratic Party. That didn't seem fair, so I signed.

Then came an email request from Donna to donate to the party. So I did. In support.

Today's breaking news, starting with an excerpt in Politico and followed by stories in several major publications  including The Daily Beast, The New York Post, and Newsweek to name a few, that Donna Brazile has a book out in which she supposedly describes how Hillary Clinton "took over" the Democratic Party (CNN is using the verb "hijacked") came as a shock.

I will not link to any of the articles. What I can tell you is that DB is trending on Twitter and a good deal of of the comments are calling her out for her lies and her self-promotion. Here are a few examples, but you should go look for yourself. Some retweeting wouldn't hurt while you're there.

On Facebook, all my PUMA friends suddenly came roaring through!

After Hillary accepted Secretary of State, I purged most of the PUMA posts here although I have occasionally referred to our angry coalition. I didn't want to affect opinions of Hillary's work.
But now the game has changed. We thought, in supporting DB these past few weeks, that we were supporting the traditional Dem Party. Now it appears that Donna has tossed her support toward Bernie, who remains an Independent, and his "revolution" that wants to drive the party far to the left.

It all smells like political treachery, self-promotion, and week-old jambalaya. We are not having it!