Julia Gillard and Hillary Clinton join forces to confront bias against female leaders
Michael Gordon
Julia Gillard and Hillary Clinton plan to work together to challenge negative stereotypes of females who aspire to be political leaders and to encourage more women to nominate for public office.
The pair have discussed the impact of gender on their political careers and plan to collaborate in changing the perceptions of female leaders as unlikeable, selfish and ruthless.
Hillary Clinton and Julia Gillard plan to change perceptions of female leaders. Photo: AP
The pair have discussed the impact of gender on their political careers and plan to collaborate in changing the perceptions of female leaders as unlikeable, selfish and ruthless.
Hillary Clinton and Julia Gillard plan to change perceptions of female leaders. Photo: AP
"I'm hopeful there are some things we can do together in the future on these questions of leadership and gender, bringing to that possibility some of our shared experiences," Ms Gillard said in an exclusive interview.
"Personally, I think there's a need to deepen the evidence base about women in leadership," she added, saying there was already much research on the role of 'unconscious bias' in attitudes to female political leaders.
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