Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Hillary Clinton Has Not Been Hiding!

I know not everyone follows Hillary Clinton around like I do, but let's get a few things straight. She has not been in hiding anywhere. She did not suddenly swoop in and "step up" her involvement in the upcoming midterms. She is not "back" from anywhere. She was never gone. 

That Onward Together conference call on Monday was a review of a year of hard work. Those donations were made over the course of a year. This meme of Hillary hiding in the Chappaqua woods and abruptly bursting forth with endorsements and donations is bogus. She has been hard at work all along. 

I will not link to any articles or posts that imply or state outright that Hillary Clinton suddenly stepped out of the dugout onto the field or that she ought to be tweeting more or whatever it is people think she is or is not doing. Hillary knows better than to give these midterms spit and a prayer. Anyone who thinks she has not done enough or is not doing enough does not know Hillary Clinton
Rant over.

Go here to see what Onward Together has been doing. >>>>>