Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hillary to the Rescue!

She arrived at Toussaint L'Ouverture Airport in Port-au-Prince Haiti in a C-130 military cargo plane loaded with supplies. With her, USAID Administrator, Dr. Raj Shah, her Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, more staff, and members of her press corps including Greta Van Susteran (Fox) and Andrea Mitchell (MSNBC). But when she leaves, after the supplies are off-loaded and she completes her official duties, according to Greta, the press members are on their own to find a way home since Hillary's plane will be boarded by 50 evacuees. She finished a press conference on the tarmac at the airport a short while ago. They have not said how much longer she will be there, but the woman we all call a superhero will be rescuing people who have spent days at the airport waiting to leave the devastated country.