Let me be clear, this is not about the sanctions themselves with which you may agree or disagree. It is about Hillary Clinton. Yesterday I said that I thought Putin would be impervious to her persuasive powers given that he appears to be very dedicated to the manufacture of nuclear energy as an export business for Russia. Well, if this report is accurate, I, one of the die-hard Hillary Hold-Outs (yes, a Hi-Ho) am now
*hanging head in shame* for having doubted that she could get Putin to concede - even if it is a little. Note to self: Never again underestimate Hillary Rodham Clinton's ability to argue a good case. I like this picture. She went to his "ranch" in her cowgirl boots and apparently wore spurs. Next week, she will have Bibi Netanyahu for breakfast, and amazingly, it will have no ill effect on her minute waistline. Yup. One thing you know about her: she hangs in there, and keeps her beautiful figure while doing so!
Putin says Russia could sign up to Iran sanctions - RIA
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday that Russia could sign up to a sanctions resolution on Iran, RIA news agency quoted a senior Putin aide as saying.
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