In this picture, that I posted in an earlier thread, we see our Secretary of State flying home late yesterday to help her only child prepare for her wedding on Saturday.
The fact that she (FINALLY!) is taking a few days off foreshadows a dearth of events to post about on this blog (except the wedding which is dominating certain news sources). No-Hillary days are a challenge, and my experience has been that sooner or later people need a Hillary-fix. Since yours truly also suffers Hillary-withdrawal symptoms from prolonged separation, I will find ways to share some thematic posts over the next few days ... perhaps some videos as well.
So, while Hillary and her family prepare for their big celebration, we shall keep going, as admonished by our fearless leader, having our Hillary-party here. There's a jug of sangria on the counter, so help yourself (not Elena, though, or other younger readers ... I have orange juice, milk, and cookies for you). Cheers, everybody!
Party on!