Friday, February 25, 2011

Hillary Clinton Makes History... Again!

Earlier this month, with the people of Egypt in full revolt, and having spent the previous Sunday appearing on five major Sunday morning talk shows prior to flying to Haiti for a full day of visits, meetings, and interviews, Hillary Clinton, 67th U.S. Secretary of State, made history when she hosted almost all the chiefs of mission of the U.S. at the State Department in a plenary conference to introduce her Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR), itself an historical undertaking. Before the shortest month of the year ends, she will once again be making history, according to U.N. Dispatch, when she appears at an emergency meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Council. Never before has a sitting U.S. Secretary of State attended a meeting of the UNHRC.

Mark Leon Goldberg, in What to Expect at the Human Rights Council Special Meeting On Libya, notes:

Secretary Clinton will lead the US Delegation to the Human Rights Council session on Libya. As an indication of the importance to which the Obama administration is attaching this meeting, this will be the first time that a sitting Secretary of State has appeared at the Human Rights Council. As I noted yesterday, that isn’t the only thing out of the ordinary about this emergency session of the Council–it has attracted a very broad and diverse coalition of supporters (including Israel and Palestine).

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This, certainly, will be a meeting to watch.