Friday, June 26, 2015

Hillary Tweets "HISTORY"

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Our new favorite map. RT if you live in a state where marriage equality is law.
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Our hearts are full for Dave, Dan, and Jaylah, and loving families in all 50 states.

Proud to celebrate a historic victory for marriage equality—& the courage & determination of LGBT Americans who made it possible. -H


Today is one of those days we'll tell our grandchildren about. Marriage equality is now the law in all 50 states.

From Stonewall to today’s decision, the courage and determination of the LGBT community has changed hearts, minds, and laws. Generations of advocates and activists sacrificed so much for this victory.
This is our country at its best: inclusive, open, and striving towards true equality.

But the struggle for LGBT rights doesn’t end with this triumph. Our work is not finished until every American can not only marry, but live, work, pray, learn, and raise a family free from discrimination and prejudice.
I will never stop fighting for every American who needs a champion. Are you with me?

Add your name to celebrate history:

Thank you,


Statement from Hillary Clinton on the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality

Hillary Clinton released the following statement after the Supreme Court decision on Marriage Equality in the Obergefell v. Hodges case.

Along with millions of Americans, I am celebrating today’s landmark victory for marriage equality, and the generations of advocates and activists who fought to make it possible. From Stonewall to the Supreme Court, the courage and determination of the LGBT community has changed hearts and changed laws.

This ruling is an affirmation of the commitment of couples across the country who love one another. It reflects the will of the vast and growing multitude of Americans who believe that LGBT couples deserve to be recognized under the law and treated equally in the eyes of society.  And it represents our country at its best: inclusive, open, and striving towards true equality.

But we know that the struggle for LGBT rights doesn’t end with today’s triumph. As love and joy flood our streets today, it is hard to imagine how anyone could deny the full protection of our laws to any of our fellow Americans—but there are those who would. So while we celebrate the progress won today, we must stand firm in our conviction to keep moving forward. For too many LGBT Americans who are subjected to discriminatory laws, true equality is still just out of reach. While we celebrate today, our work won’t be finished until every American can not only marry, but live, work, pray, learn and raise a family free from discrimination and prejudice. We cannot settle for anything less.
