Friday, June 5, 2015

Robby Mook: Organizing for Hillary

Fifteen and twenty years ago, every individual engaged in a battle of any kind, including Tony Soprano, was quoting Sun Tzu's The Art of War.  That long-deceased author never enjoyed any royalties from the popularity of his work.  If Robby Mook's strategy for organizing the Hillary for America campaign succeeds, Peter Senge of MIT might be thanking Hillary's campaign manager for his book, The Fifth Discipline, published in 1990, experiencing a rebirth on Nooks and Kindles and in popular media dialogue.

Mook attributes his self-discipline, to Senge's concept of "personal mastery" and it figures large n Mook's arsenal of organizing strategy.

Many readers here are getting involved in Hillary's campaign at the grassroots level, and Ruby Cramer's  brilliant, detailed analysis of Robby Mook's methodology in Buzzfeed is a gleaming nugget shining in the murky mine of how to get stuff done.

If you are the one in your locale who is responsible for getting names and assigning tasks, this is a must-read, but even if, like many of us, you count yourself among the ground troops and foot soldiers, these insights into the nuts and bolts of how the campaign is organized and who is doing it will assist your personal mastery of your personal tasks.  It is a gold mine!

Here are a few snippets, but I recommend that you pour yourself a glass of whatever you like and settle down for a bit.  It is not a short read  (not an unnecessarily long one either), and you will want to reflect upon and digest passages here.

Thank you, as always, Ruby Cramer!

The Robby Mook Playbook

In 2008, a young operative took the campaign philosophy of “organizing” — and won Nevada for Hillary Clinton. Now, Robby Mook is her campaign manager, bringing his big win, big risk system and all it entails, including his band of loyal followers, to the biggest stage possible.
But you really have to READ IT ALL!  There is so much more>>>>