How does a former senator ... stateswoman ... hoping to build a financial stockpile ... find a way to make it worth her donors’ while?“Hamilton” tickets.At a special Tuesday matinee, deep-pocketed supporters of Hillary Clinton filed into the Richard Rodgers Theater for a special performance that was, in a rare turn, a touch more expensive than a typical show.But with seats available for $2,700 — and status as “event chair” on offer for $100,000 — the gathering, held for the Hillary Victory Fund, did include an uncommon guest: Mrs. Clinton, who took the stage after the final bows of a show she has now seen three times.Read more >>>>
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
"Hamilton" - Not Your Usual Theatrical Review
Given that seats at the Broadway mega-hit "Hamilton" are going for $6,000 - if
you can get one - today's performance with seats going for as low as
$2,700 was a bargain and a great opportunity. Not only did the audience
get to see the much-awarded show, it was treated to some words from
both the show's creator and from Hillary Clinton.