Some of the songs were cheerful and a few were sad. All were full of
hope, promise, and affirmation. We heard from parents and relatives of
children killed by gun violence as well as from law enforcement whose
ranks have also suffered. Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly spoke. The military had their evening in the
spotlight and Leon Panetta spoke. The big speeches came from Mike Bloomberg, Joe Biden, Tim
Kaine, and President Barack Obama who spoke about the nominee as no
outgoing president ever has.
We heard our fight song.
Broadway stars serenaded the audience, and even Cagney and Lacy reunited to celebrate,
thing was clear. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and I know a lot of people
are mad at her, organized an awesome convention. So well done! She was
not there, of course, but she did leave her footprint in the sand.
"Mayor Mike" Bloomberg entered as a visitor unaligned with any party but warning about Trump.
Joe Biden touched our hearts.
Tim Kaine accepted his nomination, laid out his resumé, and, from what I can tell, charmed his party.
President Obama categorized Donald Trump's remarks as components of a
larger, poorly organized, and dangerous Trump Doctrine in which
everything depends on Donald Trump alone. He asked us to do what, for
years, I have been saying we would do - carry Hillary in. He put her in
the context of Teddy Roosevelt's arena. Raise your hand if you remember me saying we would carry her into the Oval Office in Teddy Roosevelt's chair.
Finally, with every person in the house on their feet, came the nominee and it was the best moment so far in a week of best moments.