Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Run that by me again?

If you really want to go there, no one asked President George H.W. Bush to shut down his foundation when his son ran for and then won (well ... was conceded) the presidency in 2000.  Neither did anyone suggest both H.W.'s and W's foundations shut down when Jeb was running.  Where was the hue and cry? We have eschewed macros and graphics during this cycle because they are slick and often the sourcing is questionable.  Think this appears trustworthy.


Then, since Jeb is, in fact, not the person running, there is this.


There have been many Trump moves during this campaign that cause Hillary supporters to ask, "What if Hillary had done that?"  There are reports that Trump profited off the campaign in a few ways.  First by renting office space in Trump Tower to the campaign as headquarters and then by jacking up the rent.   Then there is the matter of his diverting campaign donations to buy $55,000 worth of his own book, from which he collected royalties, to stuff gift bags for delegates at the convention.

Delegates to the DNC who received free copies of Hard Choices in your gift bags, please raise your hands!  OH!  Nobody!

As to Trump's tax returns, yet to be released, his son thinks this is a "bad idea" for the most outrageous of reasons.

Eric Trump: Dad Would Be ‘Foolish’ to Release Taxes

According to Eric Trump, it would be “foolish” for his father Donald to release his income-tax returns amid the presidential race. “You would have a bunch of people who know nothing about taxes trying to look through and trying to come up with assumptions on things they know nothing about,” the 32-year-old spawn of the real-estate mogul said on CNBC Wednesday.
Read more >>>>
So, wait a minute!  The thing all working and even many retired Americans are required to do once a year is going to confuse people?  Run that by us again?

To learn more about the Clinton Foundation go here >>>>

2014 Consolidated Expenditures

  • 87.2% Program Services
  • 8.6% Management and General
  • 3.7% Fundraising
  • 0.5% Provision for Uncollectible Pledges
As for the talk about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "calendars" they can be found here, as published by the State Department,  for anyone who would like to go through the tedious process of checking out whom she met and when.

Why are the cable news folks not reporting Trump's shenanigans?  What have we got to lose?  Her!
