Hillary Clinton Receives ABA Medal and Addresses Voting Rights Issues
Announcing a series of upcoming policy speeches, Hillary Clinton accepted the American Bar Association's
highest honor today, the ABA Medal, and spoke to the annual meeting
about the importance of the Voting Rights Act. She reminisced about
early projects in which she participated as a young lawyer registering
voters in Texas and tallying the number of school age children actually
attending school in New Bedford Massachusetts.
Igor Bobic
secretary of state Hillary Clinton announced Monday that she will
deliver a series of policy-oriented speeches on the topics of
transparency and national security and their impact on America's
leadership abroad in the "next few months." Read more >>>>
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Washington to strive to
protect voting rights in a speech Monday afternoon in San Francisco.
remarks to the American Bar Association, which was honoring her,
Clinton warned against the damage she said could be wrought by the
Supreme Court's recent ruling on the landmark Voting Rights Act.
ruling struck down the formula for determining which counties and
states must get pre-clearance from the federal government before
changing their voting rules. "By invalidating pre-clearance, the Supreme
Court has shifted the burden back onto citizens alleging
discrimination," Clinton said.