Friday, May 21, 2010

Hillary Clinton: Hello and Goodbye Tokyo!

Even though she landed in Shanghai long ago (see the previous post), news of the Secretary of State's activities on the ground in Tokyo continues to feed in. Since I know readers here prefer more rather than less of our assiduous, brilliant, and cute diplomat-in-chief (a+b+c+d)* here are some odds and ends courtesy of the State Department from her visit to Tokyo.

First, a short video of her statement on North Korea.

Then, a few photos I did not post earlier, done as only the State Department can. Here is her day in Tokyo.
Hellloooo Tokyo!!!!!

Who could NOT be pleased to see her?

Time with Foreign Minister Okada

With Prime Minister Hatoyama

Goodbye, Tokyo! It was lovely!

*Contest: New noun phrases along this formula ([a]adj.+[b]adj.+[c]adj.+[d] n.)
I know, as if you don't have anything ELSE to do! I need new descriptors. Other formulae are acceptable as long as they are sequential, e.g. ([b]adj.+[c]adj.+[d]adj.] + [e] n.)
Worse, there's no prize, unless Bill Clinton wants to spring for a phone call in appreciation of appreciation for his lovely wife. Negative descriptors will be rejected. This is a Pro-Hillary Clinton blog. Period!