That said, there IS news out there, but I refuse to post it here on principle. I said this in October, and I will say it again now: I wish foreign governments would not leak and the press would not circulate information on changes to our Secretary of State's travel itinerary before the State Department has released the plans.
This is the last public statement on Secretary Clinton's forthcoming trip to Asia. It was made by P.J. Crowley at Friday's press briefing.
Philip J. CrowleyAssistant Secretary
Daily Press BriefingWashington, DCMay 14, 2010QUESTION: Do you have any update on Secretary’s trip to Asia? Is she going to South Korea and Japan after China?
MR. CROWLEY: The Secretary actually had a meeting – a trip meeting this afternoon. I think we’ll be making some final decisions, and we’ll be announcing the schedule early next week prior to her departure. So we’re pretty close to setting the trip, but we’re not prepared to announce the schedule yet.
The emphasis is mine, and the subject did not come up in today's press briefing. Neither has the schedule been released. So why does every single news feed have specifics up there about this trip?
In October, an Indian news outlet released specifics, dates and so forth, about The Secretary's forthcoming trip to Pakistan, specifics that the State Department had taken pains to keep hushed. You will remember, I cannot forget, that upon her arrival a market was bombed in Peshawar. She left for Pakistan on her birthday, and I saw Bill Clinton at a rally the following evening when he told my Congressional Rep, onstage, what had happened.
When the State Department has not released the information, both foreign governments and news outlets (and you AP and FOX are both guilty in this latest campaign) should respect the silence. Does the term "State secret" have any meaning at all?