Well, here we go with a Sunday night round-up of articles suggesting that a run by our Hillary might be what both the Democratic Party and this country need.
The first is from American Thinker which most assuredly will not actually be supporting her if she should run. But, for the record, here it is.
August 12, 2011
Obama/Hillary Coming Soon to a Primary Near You?
Well, it's all up to Hillary Clinton now if the Democratic Party is to survive the 2012 elections.
That's what two important media outlets -- Tina Brown's Daily Beast and London's Daily Telegraph -- both reported in the same twenty-four-hour news cycle. Faced with what looks to be the political collapse of the Obama administration, the liberal spin cycle is spinning like a top. It's "run, Hillary, run!" time.
This article is actually almost exactly a year old, and was written by a Republican who has worked with her when she was in the Senate and he was part of the Bush administration. The case he states remains valid. His scenario of how Hillary might leave State complies with what I have said from the start: if she leaves, it will be over a matter of principle.
At this rate, it could be President Hillary Clinton in 2012
Monday, 23 August 2010 11:51
President Barack Obama is a man whose political fortunes have imploded. The national political rock star of 2008 has become the Democratic political albatross of 2010. Democratic candidates in the 2010 gubernatorial, U.S. Senate, and House of Representatives elections are running away from him, not with him.
Finally, our friend Hillary Lover submits this from a blog at Le Figaro.
Clinton candidate contre Obama ?
Après la guerre des Six Jours entre Israël et les pays arabes, en 1967, Ben Gourion avait plaisanté, affirmant que "Golda Meir était le meilleur homme du gouvernement". Aujourd'hui, après la capitulation sans condition de Barack Obama dans l'affaire du plafond de la dette, on pourrait paraphraser Ben Gourion et demander : Hillary Clintonest-elle l'homme fort du gouvernement américain ? C'est en tout cas ce que clament de plus en plus fort les 18 millions d'Américains qui ont voté pour elle lors des primaires de 2008. "On vous l'avait bien dit !", pensent-ils si fort que tout le monde peut l'entendre.
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