Monday, August 8, 2011

Update: Media Focus on A Hillary Clinton Run

The Daily Beast ran this article by Leslie Bennetts today, and while she has rounded up some articles we have already posted and discussed here, she adds voices to the chorus, and the choir is not happy.

Hillary Told You So

As Democratic disgust with Obama’s debt fumbling spreads, Clinton supporters recall her '3 a.m. phone call' warnings—and angry, frustrated liberals are muttering that she should mount a 2012 challenge.


At a New York political event last week, Republican and Democratic office-holders were all bemoaning President Obama’s handling of the debt-ceiling crisis when someone said, “Hillary would have been a better president.”

“Every single person nodded, including the Republicans,” reported one observer.

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I disagree with the "insiders" and "pundits" who say a run would be political suicide. What other elective office might she be running for following her stint as SOS? She has nothing to lose! Furthermore, she was, in fact, correct! If your answer is that it would ruin a run in 2016, really? Do you really think, after five-and-a-half more years of Obama's fetch-and-carry strategy with this divided Congress, a Democrat would stand a chance? If a Republican beats Obama in 2012, you can kiss 2016 good-bye.

I also disagree with the Ted Kennedy analogy

Longtime analysts also remember the carnage that ensued when Sen. Ted Kennedy challenged President Carter for the 1980 Democratic nomination, fracturing the party and paving the way for Ronald Reagan’s election.

The Democratic Party has been fractured since May 31, 2008. The PUMAs have never been addressed directly by this president, never really invited into the tent, never reconciled. On the contrary, PUMAs were told, by Donna Brazile to stay home in 2008. How much more fractured can the party get? PUMA has survived these three years, and their voices are some of the ones we hear in the Bennetts article.

So, on the heels of a disastrous week with blame squarely set on his shoulders, Obama spoke to the nation once again today. At least I think he did. With his gaze shifting right to left to right throughout, it was hard to know whom he thought he was addressing. When Hillary speaks she looks straight into the camera - into our eyes, and, yeah, she would have been better. I continue to harbor hope that she will be.

I do not see Obama achieving re-election. The Democrats need a new candidate, a better candidate, the right candidate. The party base and this country deserve better.


I am tacking on this one, from AM New York, in the same vein, because I simply cannot initiate another new post tonight. Jess shared this with me, and I told her it is as hard to keep up with these articles as it is keeping up with her trips! I do it because I love you, Hillary!

Hillary's supporters on Obama's troubles: We told you so in 2008 By Tim Herrera

As President Barack Obama continues to struggle some Democrats are beginning to wonder: Should they have backed Hillary Clinton in 2008?

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