At this point in time anyone who believes him about anything simply has not been paying attention. LGBT folks in particular should be concerned about his duplicity. So I am heartened to have found this article from South Florida Gay News.
Victoria Michaels has posted this well-wrought rationale for why this person should be on the 2012 ballot. She has been the activist on the right side of LGBT issues from the day she walked in her first pride parade. Can anyone show me any pictures of Obama in a pride parade? I thought not!
Time For a Change – Urge Hillary to Run Again - Victoria Michaels
Thursday, 06 October 2011 14:12 Written by Victoria Michaels
...Hillary Clinton in many ways is like our Statue of Liberty -- a glimmering beacon of light held high shining bright hope across our land from sea to shining sea . It's time to pass that torch down to Clinton because it's time for change. Change that Obama promised us for many years now and has failed to deliver each time.
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