Thursday, December 22, 2011

3rd Annual Hillary Rodham Clinton Year in Review: Installment III March 2011

March 2011: It was Women's History Month and the Arab Spring was breaking out all over with women taking a huge role.  We lost Geraldine Ferraro.  Mme. Secretary testified on the Hill several times before the Senate Foreign Relations and Appropriations committees and the House Foreign Affairs and Appropriations committees.  Once she testified in a closed, classified session.  Issues were her 2012 budget as well as the role we were assuming in the Libyan crisis.
She engaged in some very rapid shuttle diplomacy flying to London and twice in one week to Paris in order to consolidate that role in the establishment of the No-Fly Zone.  Then she visited newly liberated Cairo and Tunis.
Her daughter Chelsea proudly introduced her when she spoke in New York at the Women in the World event, and First Lady Michelle Obama joined her once again for the State Department's Women of Courage event.