Women and Girls Count: A Discussion with Hillary Rodham Clinton and Melinda Gates, Moderated by Chelsea Clinton
Women and Girls Count: A Discussion with Hillary Rodham Clinton and Melinda Gates, Moderated by Chelsea Clinton
of “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project,” the Conversation Will
Announce A New Partnership Between The Clinton Foundation and the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation
YORK – Feb. 12, 2014 -- On Thursday, February 13, Secretary Hillary
Rodham Clinton and Melinda Gates will participate in a discussion hosted
by New York University and moderated by Chelsea Clinton about using
data and an evidence-based approach to advance global progress for women
and girls. The event will also mark the launch of a new partnership
between the Clinton Foundation and the Gates Foundation.
in November 2013 by Secretary Clinton, “No Ceilings: The Full
Participation Project” is an initiative at the Clinton Foundation whose
mission is to bring together partner organizations to evaluate and share
the progress women and girls have made in the 20 years since the UN
Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. This new effort will help
chart the path forward to accelerate full participation for women and
girls in the 21st century. The full participation of women and girls is
critical to development, security, and prosperity.
WHO: Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and Melinda Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Moderated by Chelsea Clinton
WHEN: Thursday, February 13, 2014
Media Check-in: 8:30 AM EST
Event: 9:45 AM EST
WHERE: New York University
Kimmel Center for University Life
Eisner & Lubin Auditorium
60 Washington Square South
Follow the conversation on Twitter live with the hashtag #noceilings