Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Not There ... Yet! Stay the Course with Hillary!

Hillary Clinton's sweep of yesterday's primaries was breathtaking. Many of us were up until the wee hours waiting for the last projections ... and celebrating, judiciously, this lovely scene.


Just as many awakened to this morning's social media filled with assurances that Hillary has already won the nomination and demands that Bernie Sanders withdraw now.  Time for a reality check.   There are 25 primaries still ahead.  In 2008 Hillary stayed into June.  We are not there yet!
Some may remember that in celebration International Women's Day 2015, along with Melinda Gates, Hillary and Chelsea released  the No Ceilings Full Participation Report and launched  The tag for the day was NOT THERE.

Screenshot 2015-03-09 11.37.09

We are in this for the long haul - to break that glass ceiling and be there! Hillary has always told us that this would be a lengthy, difficult process.  We knew she would and should be primaried. The path so far has been intense, every delegate hard-won.  We are on track for victory, but we are not there yet.

So pipe down, buckle down, and let's keep working.  If it was easy, everyone would do it!

Make calls for Hillary >>>>

Chip in a few dollars if you can >>>>
