I fully expected to find that State.gov had posted a video of Secretary Clinton's remarks last night at the memorial for Dorothy Height, but there is none there. I did find this from her bilateral with Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski. She is beautiful, glowing, brilliant, and kind. She is sought after by leaders the world over which explains her exhausting travel schedule since she feels the duty to GO and talk with them for us.
So, having cooled off about the news, I am not going to give Time Magazine a link or traffic for having ignored in their "Most Influential" issue our Secretary of State, the most influential woman on this planet. Oh, except to ask her to write the blurb for Nancy Pelosi whom they DID list. Hillary Clinton was characteristically gracious and honored the request. I find that request from Time rather crass, since many of us voted for our SOS in that poll. I also find it misleading to call it a poll since the woman who made the picks was on The Today Show this morning and explained how
she picked the 100. If I say any more I will say too much.
*zips mouth/duct tapes fingers/clicks to post*
Remarks With Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski